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A Child's History of the World


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I am just wondering if someone has created a "curriculum" or some type of activity guide to go along side this book. I bought this book last year and just picked it up to read and really would like to implement it in some way this year. Does anyone have a special "plan"? I saw the Map Trek maps someone had posted about and that looks wonderful to go alongside this. But I would love to find some type of activity guide to go along with this as well such as SOTW has their Activity Guide. Is there anything maybe on Lulu or anywhere else that I can download and print or something that can be purchased?

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Calvert School has a workbook that goes along with CHOW. It isn't like SOTW AG though, it doesn't really have activities and extra reading lists. It is more like an outline that the student fills in. You used to be able to buy it as a separate item. I don't know if they still let you or not. It is part of their 4th grade program.



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Again probably not what you're looking for, but History Odyssey includes CHOW in the guide.


Thank you for reminding me of this! I have HO sitting on my shelf which I never ended up using. I think I am going to implement it with CHOW this year and just pick and choose the extra reading, activities, etc. I think I'll also pick up the maps from Knowledge Quest and go from there.


I am a curriculum-aholic (is there a such word?). So I tend to buy too much and have a ton on the shelves. I do it every year, then end up picking and choosing what I use. We never got to History last year because we were so busy with activities outside the house. I think this year we will cut that in half so we have time for more at home.


Thanks so much for all the responses.

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