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Thoughts on Teaching Textbooks


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We haven't actually started it yet, but I do have TT5 here for my daughter to use this coming fall, and just based on checking it out and the website samples and demos and all, and the many positive reviews I've read, we're both very much looking forward to using it! My daughter's actually excited about math! And as for me, I'm relieved, because math isn't MY strong point. :)


Mind you, I've read plenty of negative reviews, too. Most of those tend to be about whether it is rigorous enough or whatever. I've heard that it tends to be a year "behind" other math curricula and that some people think maybe if you're going to use it, you should do the placement tests and maybe put them in a higher grade level etc.


But my thought process is that I'm going to put her in the grade she's IN and if it IS a year behind or something, I don't really care- I figure if it ends up being "easy" for her, this can be considered a year of review and, more importantly, of confidence building.


If she spends this coming year finding math fun and thinking it is "easy" and that math isn't all that hard or bad after all, then I will consider it a successful year, and I will just continue on assuming that by the end, when all is said and done, she'll know what she needs to know. And if not, we can do some sort of extra review, or get a tutor or whatever the case may be when she's much older.


For now, I'm happy with this plan, and will definitely be paying attention to how it goes when she's actually USING the program so I can be more useful at answering these kinds of questions down the road. :D

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I switched my girls from Saxon (which they hated) to TT. This will be their second year using TT. They love that it's on the computer and they only have to write out the problems they can't work in their heads. I like the immediate feedback and opportunity to rework problems they haven't mastered. I also like that it frees up my schedule to teach other subjects.


One of my girls is working a grade ahead and the other is just finishing up her current grade level (will be a grade ahead).

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I've used it off and on for the past several years. I don't know if it is truely behind other curriculum but it isn't ahead. The biggest plus for us is the kids think it is more similar to a game so are happier completing their math which is a plus to me.

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We've decided to go with TT this year (switching from Saxon). How much time do you allow in your schedule for TT? It wil be a bit different for us as up until now I've taught the boys together and so only needed one time slot. Also, since they will both be using the same level, do I need two workbooks, or can I get away with sharing one? Thanks:)

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My girls are doing the same level and are sharing one workbook. I have them write any problems/answers that they need to in a separate notebook. It is working well for us, we are nearly to lesson 50 now. :)


I have them do one lesson per day, and the other girl works on a table assignment while the one is doing math at the computer. The one lesson only takes 15-20 minutes or so...for us anyway, it may take longer as we get into more difficult math.

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Although my dd is bright and capable, math is not her favorite subject. And although I am bright and capable, math is not my favorite subject to teach. Dh is on the road a lot working, so is not able to consistently be dd's math instructor, so when we decided to switch from Saxon and MUS last year we decided to try out TT. It has been a real life saver for us. Now dd just loves math because it is such an interactive approach. I am happy because I can focus on other subjects that I am better suited to teach. Dh is happy because he thoroughly approves of the methods taught with TT and believes that it is an excellent fit for dd's learning style. And she is doing well, btw. She is using TT7 as a 6th grader and just scored 100% in math on her standardized testing. We are very satisfied and plan to stay with TT for the duration.


An aside to this and hopefully another source of comfort for you: a coworker of mine that has a masters degree in math and teaches 5th grade swears by TT - says it is an excellent program. She recommends it highly to hs families outside the private classical school where we both teach.


One final thought: TWTM recommends supplementing with another math program into the mix once per week. This recommendation is to go along side any math curriculum you choose, not just TT, and is to give students a variety to their math learning. I would recommend Calculadder drills for elementary students and LOF for logic and rhetoric stages.


Have fun!




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Dd 7 is doing TT3 along with Singapore 2A/B & MM supplements. Love TT for what it offers.


Best of all, dd loves it. She learned borrowing by renaming last month. She's now learning multiplication from 'him' and understands his clear explanations and examples.


It's slow & methodical. Lots of spiral review.


I appreciate the fact that it's easy on me this summer. Math is getting done in our hectic summer schedule.


We will continue with TT as a main resource in our math education.

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