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Physical Science: Am I making a mistake in 9th grade?

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Am I making a mistake by putting my 9th grade dd in a Physical Science class through our co-op?

When I registered her, I was aware that many high school students begin with Biology, having taken Physical Science in 8th. When the registration system kicked her out because of her age (soon to be 15- she's an older 9th grader).

The co-op director made an exception and placed her in the class, but it made me start doubting my choices for her.


A bit about her:

Last year she took General Science. It was her first outside class and a good learning experience. Her talents as great as they are, are not in the academics. She made a low B.


I could have jumped her into Biology, but did not think that would work well, and thought it not unreasonable to do Physical Science followed by Biology, then Chemistry with an additional year for an alternative science, probably not advanced, but who knows?


Right now her interests are mainly social and school is a necessary evil. She does as little as possible and in my opinion does not work at the level she is capable of.


She does love science though, and maybe she something inside of her will kick her into a higher gear. Maybe she will prove me wrong that she doesn't have a science career in her future. She wants to work in wildlife rehabilitation. Which could require a science degree, or not, depending on what she wants to do.


The more I look around, the more I see Physical Science looked down on as a high school course.

I would rather she do well in Physical Science than become totally overwhelmed in Biology though. She needs to see that she can do well in school. So far her opinion of herself is that she isn't "cut out for it".


She's sandwiched between an academically gifted brother and sister, and has decided her talents lie elsewhere - which they do...


But if she loves animals and one day wants to do more, am I doing her a disservice by not pushing her forward?


She will be turning 15 in a class of 12-14 yo students. Last year it was the same, in General Science she was in a class of 6th and 7th graders and she noticed. I just explained that it was a middle school course, and she was upper middle school. This year I'm sure it will come up again.

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Unless she's planning on a science-heavy major, physical science is probably fine for 9th grade. My ds will be taking Apologia Physical Science in 9th grade. The local university requires 3 lab sciences, which may be earth science, physics, chemistry, or biology. Apologia P.S. counts as earth science.



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Our local ps doesn't do Physical Science until 9th grade. Some kids who anticipate science-heavy majors and want time to do AP science classes later double up and take both Biology and Physical Science their 9th grade year (or Biology and Chemistry in 10th), but most don't get to biology until 10th.

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I would totally choose Physical Science, based on the description of your daughter. Sounds like the perfect fit for her, and a worthy high school class.

Brigid, the dd I am speaking of is Megan's younger sister. You will have Megan in your AP English class this fall.

This board is where I found the information about your class when I was so discouraged about Learn & Earn (dual enrollment) legislative changes in NC. I didn't know what to do about her senior year English. I popped over here and voila! The first post that morning directed me to you.

Nice to see you here!

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I think physical science would be great for her. It's a solid high school course and she doesn't need to feel badly at all. It will give her a good science foundation for the courses that follow. Maybe she needs to explore her interests animal rehabilitation by shadowing someone or volunteering. The more she defines her goal, the more willing she'll be to work towards that goal. :)

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