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Rod and Staff English - which level to begin with?

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We are entering into our first year of homeschooling. My 8-year-old stepdaughter would be entering into third grade, but is still learning how to read. I was planning on using Rod and Staff English for grammar, but I am wondering what level I should start her on. Is it too much to start her on Grade 3, or should I use Grade 2 due to her reading level? (It seems that she is catching up reading-wise, but does not have a firm grasp on phonics yet when it comes to letter blending.) Thanks for your help :bigear:

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If you want to do grammar this year, I would start her in the Grade 3 book. Many of the exercises can be done orally. I personally wouldn't worry about grammar this year. You could spend this year focusing on bringing her reading up to speed and start her in the R&S grade 4 book next year with no problem.



Or if you really want to do grammar this year, start it mid year with book 3.

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If you want to do grammar this year, I would start her in the Grade 3 book. Many of the exercises can be done orally. I personally wouldn't worry about grammar this year. You could spend this year focusing on bringing her reading up to speed and start her in the R&S grade 4 book next year with no problem.


:iagree: We used the extra practice sheets like a workbook and did the lessons without a corresponding practice sheet orally. There's a spreadsheet lesson plan at Core Foundations for this that you might find helpful.

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