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Those with Jr High DC: How many days of the week (M-F) are you out of the house?


How many times a week are you out of the house (M-F) for outside activities?  

  1. 1. How many times a week are you out of the house (M-F) for outside activities?

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I'm trying to schedule our year, and once again I'm struggling with just how many extracurricular activities we can handle. We just seem to end up with too many each year even though I've gotten rid of co-ops and homeschool group memberships. I've also eliminated most of the 'playdates' we were constantly being invited to for younger dd.


I think outside activities are very important, but they take so much time. Then when you add in the doctor, dentist and ortho appointments, the week can sometimes become a bit much too cope with.


So, I'd be interested to see how others handle weekly scheduling w/ outside activities. How many days are you out of the house, not including weekends? What kinds of limits do you set? TIA



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You didn't include my unfortunate answer - 6. Or 7 if you include church. Sigh.


I have three kids. One of my olders takes ballet - that's 3 days right there, and orchestra makes four. Then of course at least one of the older kids ends up with an activity that only takes place on the day the other dd has off. And on Sat. we have German Sat. School.


I used to always jealously guard two weekdays off. Last year we were down to one, now it's none. I'm tired.

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I have three kids. My two dds take dance, have girl scouts, attend an arts coop. My oldest dd and ds are in a play that meets twice week. My ds is able to participate with local private school sport's program and has practice three times a week. Luckily, I have friends to carpool with and I am used to this lifestyle. I also teach three classes on two different days (my kids attend this coop) and am a leader of a Bible study and a nature club, in the neighborhood. We like to be busy. BUT our family time is very important and it seems more precious because we are so busy - we really make a point to make our time together extra special.

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During the fall and spring it's the worst. Three of my four play soccer so there is rarely a night off from taking someone to practice. Dd12 and ds10 have been taking violin and piano respectively for many years and this year the dd/ds7 twins will get their start. Co-op is Monday, and if I'm lucky I will be able to schedule music lessons just after co-op so it's all done in one day. We also have youth group for dd12, our own church community group one night a week and they all love to do a class or two(art, photography, forestry, etc.) through 4H, so there is also that. I have come to a place of peace that this is the nature of the beast if you have a handful of kids. It wears me thin, but they love it and if things seem to get too much, we just skip something and rest. Just because you sign up for something doesn't mean you have to be at EVERY SINGLE PRACTICE or MEETING. Missing a few will not hurt anyone. I just try to keep my perspective by remembering that the days are long, but the years are short. This stage of our lives will be gone before you know it.

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Just because you sign up for something doesn't mean you have to be at EVERY SINGLE PRACTICE or MEETING. Missing a few will not hurt anyone.


Yes! These are things I have to keep reminding myself. However, if I paid for something I don't like to skip, and with our 4H missing too many meetings means they are out of the running for year end awards. (sigh)


I just try to keep my perspective by remembering that the days are long, but the years are short. This stage of our lives will be gone before you know it.


Perspective only gets me so far. After I remind myself that these days will soon be gone I find I want more family time and less running around!



I just don't know the answer, but thanks for the reminders.:)



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Did you decide 2 days out is the magical number and then purposely limit your family to two? And, do you just simply turn down other opportunities to stick to that number?


I'm thinking two is probably the best number for us, but then my kids are interested in too many things! (Me too!)






We have Park Day on Monday afternoon and music lessons (for all three) on Thursday afternoon. It is all I can handle and get school done.

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