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Poor Speller help


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I pulled my dd out of public school a year ago, only to find that public nor private school taught her anything regarding spelling rules. Now I notice that she has trouble with spelling. She is 13 years old and I need suggestions for a good spelling program for her age or grade level. Can someone please suggest what curriculum would be good. We tried MCP, but she doesn't seem to be doing any better.

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I am going to use All About Spelling with my almost 8 year old as suggested on this board. I have heard so many great things about it. I have seen some using it with their older DCs. Maybe someone else can advice you if that's correct, but I don't see why not.

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The same exact problem with my son who will be homeschooled this year for 5th grade. I heard great things about Phonetic zoo turning poor spellers into good ones ! My ds is an auditory learner so this might be just the perfect fit for him.

DS and so many of his public school friends are really bad spellers..he got great grades on his spelling test then forget alot of it..in 4th grade his teacher stopped giving spelling test mid year!! so glad we will be HS this year...

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My oldest kid learned to read in ps using the non-phonetic approach...:glare::glare::glare:


So, yes, we have spelling/writing issues too. She's much better this year, though. We plan on using Megawords this fall. I also went through some phonics rules with her. Disturbingly, I noticed that I didn't know phonics rules either. :tongue_smilie:


Last winter, I started correcting/picking apart everything she writes and doing a ton of dictionary work - this was obnoxious at first, but her spelling/writing has improved dramatically. We also used BJU Spelling workbooks and she seemed to really click with those. We've seen a huge improvement this summer.


I honestly was wondering if she just didn't memorize the shape of the words when she learned to read in school...:confused:

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Right there with you ..

My son is now 5th grade and he was ps'ed for K-3rd. I am still getting him up to speed in math and thought I'd figured spelling out last year (w/word roots) but nope!


My son recently made it known he never learned phonics when I was working w/my dd7 and he was listening to us.


Call me slow!!!:confused: Why I didnt diagnose that as the problem is beyond me, but needless to say we are back to basics w/that as well.


I'm still trying to figure it our myself .. If you find a good 'cure' let me know!!!


Funny thing is my ds12 is an awesome speller .... Go figure:)

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I haven't used it yet, but from reviewing AAS (All About Spelling) it looks like it would provide a very good remedial spelling program. It relies heavily on Orton-Gillingham, which is solid phonics. I think it would be beneficial to review the phonograms with her, but I doubt you would need to buy the AAS 1. Maybe see if they have a placement chart?

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I also have a struggling speller, ds10, and we are using Spelling Power and he is doing really well with it. It is VERY rules based (every level teaches the rules as the apply to each list over and over) and is multi level. You can do an initial placement test to put your kiddo exactly where he/she needs to be. Lessons are short (10-15 mins a day) and take no prep time on your part. It can move as quickly or as slowly as their ability allows.


Im doing AAS with my ds8, who has only been reading about a year and needs drill, drill, drill. In fact we just started this week. We are going to do AAS level 1 and 2 (possibly 3) this year and I will start him with spelling power next year.


I am also using Spellling Power with my dd13. This is her first year hsing. She tested into level F and is doing very well wit hit so far. Since it isnt workbook based and only takes a few mins each day, she doesnt mind having spelling as a "class".

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