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Any reason to do WWE if you are doing IEW?


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In my opinion, you should be all set!! That is great that you purchased TWSS - you will get to know everything you need! We started IEW was my oldest was in 4th grade and it was perfect for her and a lifesaver for me!! I think to add another writing program would be too much - IEW teaches a very specific methodolgy. I would say let her enjoy IEW!

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My son started IEW last year and it was a really good fit for him. He actually took an outside class and will do the same this year.


I really felt he would also benefit from WWE 2 (which my daughter had just finished) because it teaches summarizing skills. My son has a very difficult time expressing himself and I think answering the WWE comprehension questions in complete sentences and then summarizing the main points of the story would be great for him. He tends to give way too much detail in a very scattered, unorganized manner when he relates something. If he didn't have this problem, then no, I probably wouldn't use WWE. (And, actually, I'm not even doing it with him because he fought me so hard on doing it over the summer. If we have time during the school year, I will add it or at least have him do a lot more narrating. I think we could accomplish the same thing that way.)



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My son is 8 years old entering the 3rd grade. He is advanced in most of his classes except of course writing. I am struggling here so I've registered him for a class using IEW. Does anyone have advice and hints for me. Feeling very uable to teach writing...

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WWE is Writing With Ease. I did buy TWSS dvd's so I can become familiar with how things work.





Sandy -


I think it boils down to how much time you want your dd to spend per day writing. Andrew Pudewa (IEW) recommends 30 min/day - which you will get with IEW alone. Of course you could add more to IEW, but perhaps not at the same time? That would be a lot of writing for a 4th grader. One thought would be to find elements you like of WWE and use it as a "mini-unit" before the IEW classes begin, or after they are done, in a complementary sort of way.


I cannot speak much to WWE (even though it is WTM material - sorry - it might be a favorite here on the forums!!) as I have not used it, but IEW definately can help a child who is "too wordy" in their writing, through the use of the key word outline. Pudewa also recommends having your child read what they wrote aloud - many times that we help them organize their thoughts more clearly. When you get to the continuation courses (SICC A is what we have used so far) they work a lot on editing run-ons and fragments.


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