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newbie with an art question


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I'm knee deep in ordering to start first grade with my son in a few weeks. (also have a 4 and 2 y/o who'll be along for the ride). WTM recommends the Mona Brookes book or Artistic pursuits. I love the idea of artistic pursuits in that it combines art history and appreciation with related art projects, but I do not like the price. Anyone used the book? Love it? It's OK? Totally worth the money or not so much?


Thanks so much!

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I have both books, but we have not used Artistic Pursuits yet (we start next week). I think that we will enjoy the AP book more than Drawing with Children because it has more variety. DwC is just drawing. My daughter enjoyed it, and we saw great improvement in her drawing, but she got a little bored with drawing with markers every single week (she was only in kindergarten). AP has drawing, painting, paper, and clay projects; it just looks like it will be more fun. I also think it will be a little easier to include my two yr old. It looks really great to me.


It's non-consumable, so you'll be able to use it for all of your kids. Look for a used copy! :)

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We are using Great American Artists For Kids along with our study of US history. If you look at the link you will notice there is a series of these books from the same author. I only have the one, but it is really neat. It features an artist for each lesson. It shows some of the artists work, and tells a bit about them, then has an art project that goes with their style.

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Thanks. I feel pretty comfortable teaching the other areas, but art is foreign to me! I'll check out those websites and probably get started with the rest of the curriculum to see how it all works. Plus, he will have an art class at his co-op once/week. Always something to figure out, right?!

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