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Another "are we doing enough" thread - I'm paranoid.

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This is our 4th week back to school and things are going so incredibly smooth that I am starting to get paranoid. This is what my 6th and 7th are doing right now.


Latin - 5 days\20 minutes, except for Monday when we watch the dvd lesson.

Math - 5 days\45 to 60 minutes

Grammar - 5 days\ 20 to 30 minutes

Spelling - 3 days\ 10 to 15 minutes

Poetry memorization - 3 days\ 10 to 15 minutes

History reading - 5 days\ 30-45 minutes (they are reading through The Story of the Middle Ages before we start our regular history curriculum)

Science - 2 or 3 days\ 40 to 60 minutes

Writing - this is mixed into their grammar and they do summaries in science and will do writing in history when we start the main curriculum. The 6th is also doing WWE 2 to help with summarizing 5 days\15-20 minutes.

Reading - 4 days\ 30 minutes, which they do in their beds right before lights out. This is just them reading from a certain list of books; nothing formal.

I won't count art or music as my dd12 learns new songs and makes her own arrangements all the time and my dd11 does her own art projects all the time too. We did composer and artist study last year and they wanted a break from it.


So, on a full day they are only doing about 4.5-5 hours of school but on a few days it could be as little as 3.5. Now, when we start our regular history curriculum I will be adding an additional 30 minutes of work.


I don't know why I feel like we aren't doing enough. When I look at the amount of time compared to some of the schedules I've seen posted here it seems about average. I've been thinking though lately, especially after reading many of the threads about feeling overwhelmed that I am so completely NOT overwhelmed, in fact underwhelmed might be a better description, that I wonder if I've left something out. Have I reached homeschooling nirvana?:tongue_smilie:


So, am I missing something that these grades should be doing? I notice a lot of you supplement many of your subjects which I'm guessing would increase the amount of time but I have yet to feel like we need to do that. Do any of you experience something similar in the first few weeks of school? Last year we were dealing with many disruptions and someone with a very bad attitude at the beginning of the year so I really don't remember what the work load was like.


What do you think?

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