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officially started Christmas shopping!!

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and have all of it mostly done. The only thing I have left is to make mason jars of russian tea. I have about 10 family to buy for so I usually give each a devotional and a jar mix of some kind. This year found out on of them is gluten intolerant so will give mugs and russian tea instead. Don't know what to do about kids. Probably will get their stuff ordered in Nov. I usually buy a lot in January because that's when you can get some good sales on everything from bath supplies to books esp CBD stuff.

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Me to. I found ZhuZhu for such a good price on sale at Kohl's with additonal 20% off so I purchase the strollers, 1 regular hamster, and 2 babies for dd. It might turn into a rainy day toy or birthday but my plan is Christmas.

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I have my list done, now I need to shop!


What are you all planning?


DS7 is going to get:

compound bow set

new mountain bike

snap circuits

a ukulele

book and a movie


DD6 is getting:

American Girl stuff

toy bow/arrow set

roller blades

a musical instrument (she wants a trumpet, I'm thinking bongos)

book and movie

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Wow! I'm impressed! I have thought about Christmas gifts but that's about it. For the kiddos at home, we are thinking about a GPS for the almost 19yo college student and the 9yos are really into making "movies" with dh's camera right now, so something along those lines.

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I have over half of my oldest dd's gifts, and all of my younger dd's big gifts (play kitchen & food). I get them each a special book each year and I have all of those purchased.


I need to figure out what to get ds. :/ Nothing seems quite 'right' somehow.

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I am normally a Christmas junkie.


I decorate big, love shopping, planning and cooking.


This year, the whole unemployment thing ahs really thrown me, and I just dont have any desire to deal with it. I'd skip the whole thing if I could.


Of course, Cant do that to the kids, but no idea what we'll be able to afford, so just waiting...

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Actually, I usually start in August too. You can find gifts for less money than at christmas (unless you go to the big sales after Thanksgiving- which I can't ever get to), you have more time to budget and plan and the shopping doesn't take a huge toll on your bills. Oh, yeah, and it prevents you from charging on a credit card.

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I did a lot of mine at a big consignment sale last week. I'll order a few things on Amazon in September and be done for kids. They get so much from other family that we go light at Christmas and do birthdays bigger.


My DH is much harder to shop for!

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