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Any creative ideas for dh's 40th birthday?

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I bought DH 40 gifts.

Some of them were very small, while a few were nicer/larger. It took him all day to open them all. :D


When I turned 40, he gave me four nice gift cards to my favorite stores so I could spend a day out shopping w/o worrying about $$. I'm normally not a shopper, but it was really fun to go into the bookstore and know that I could buy whatever struck my fancy and not think twice about it.

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When I turned 30, my wife (Chelle in MO) picked me up after work on a Thursday and drove us straight to the airport. Unbeknownst to me, she had planned a long weekend in Washington DC. All she told me in advance was that I had to be off on Friday. This was before kids, so we were more flexible then.


Something like that would be fun if it's possible.

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The weekend before dh's 40th I got pg. :lol: That's maybe not what you're looking for.


For his b-day I threw a surprise party at a local restaurant. Had family and friends show up from the other side of the state. He was stunned. Since we owned a business at the time, they showed up early and got everything set up. I just had to get him there on time.

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My friend hosted a little Open House type of get-together for her dh when he turned 40--with a few treats. She asked those who wanted to, to bring 40 of something--anything. 40 m&ms, 40 paperclips, 40 paper airplanes, etc...it was fun to see what people came up with!

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If you visit dealnews and do a search for 'banner,' you'll get a code that knocks the price of an 18" x 54" banner from $14.79 down to $0.01. You still have to pay shipping (standard is $8), but you can customize the banner to pick anything you want it to say and they have lots of styles. I just ordered one for a friend's 30th in October.


Not necessarily what you were looking for, but I'm still giggling about this and wanted to share because if you plan a party for him, wouldn't that be fun to have that hanging in the room?

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When DH turned 40 I loaded his iPod with 40 songs. 1 from every year since 1969 to his 40th. He loved it. :)

That's brilliant, I love it.


My DH is turning 40 on August 18th. I'm still trying to decide if I'm going to try and plan a very small surprise party. I really don't want to (not a good party planner) but I feel like I 'should'. :glare:

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