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Writing...Does this sound like too much?

cheryl h

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We are switching dd12 from Abeka to R&S for English and Spelling. I am drawn to MCT for it's writing reviews and think she would enjoy the poetry as well, and I am also looking forward to the grammar from a different angle. For Literature I was going to have her do Lightning Lit 7. We have not done R&S before so I am wondering if I am going to kill her with too much writing.


I am also wondering if my ds10 does R&S English 5, is it a good idea for him to do a bit of WWE 4? He is a very bright but reluctant writer. I am determined to not let it keep him from writing.


Then lastly, does R&S Enlish 2 have enough writing to not have to do WWE with my dd/ds 7 twins.


I plan on downloading SWB's lectures on writing too, so I will also have that resource, yet I find myself wanting to 'lean' on a curric. so I don't have to come up with so much on my own. Please lend me your thoughts.:)

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I don't know how much help I will be, but here goes...

We use R&S for grammar (all 3 girls). I love it, but we don't do the writing assignments. I do what SWB's audios say for writing, and I highly recommend them.


I think after listening to them you will feel pretty confident on how to do writing without a curr.


I think you could do WWE4 with your ds10. Last year I did WWE 1 & 2 with my 4th grader (about 1/2 of each), just skipping through for her to get the hang of it. I had planned to do WWE 3&4 with her this year, but after listening to the SWB audios and using WWE 1-2, I feel like I understand the goal and how to teach her. I am also using SWB's suggestions for my 6th grade dd.


I will do WWE2 with my 2nd grade dd this year, did most of wwe1 last year. You might just buy 1 &/or 2 for your twins to do and then have your ds10 do a few here and there to get the hang of it.


I will be doing R&S grammar 2 with my 2nd grade dd this year. It has been a while since I have used it, so I don't remember about the writing. I will skip any writing assignments anyway. We do read them, but don't do the assignments.


Also, the only Abeka we have ever used is their spelling. It is very affordable and covers the rules. I really liked it and would still be using it but we don't live near a show to order it without shipping. I just won't pay $8 to ship me an $8 workbook. I wanted to make sure you have seen R&S spelling. If your kiddos are used to Abeka's colorful workbooks, they may not like the R&S books much. Just a thought.


Hope I have helped. I would buy the audios now and listen before you make any decisions. I bought all three so I would understand the "big picture." I am a big picture person. I need to know what the goal is, so I can understand how to get there. These did that for me.


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Your input and experience does help me a ton. I will be getting the downloads this weekend so I can get that boost of confidence before I spend any more money. I am wondering if I would be able to get by with just the WWE text for levels 1-4 or do I need the workbooks? Or both? Hmmm. Yes the Abeka spelling books are more exciting to look at, but all my kids have done Abeka for all the subjects since k4 in private school, and they are looking forward to less workbooks. Thanks for sharing your valuable experiences.


Can anyone else comment on what I have planned for dd12...this is what I am most concerned with. Thanks.

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I think I forgot to mention that I use SWB's writing recs for my 7th grader too. We will be writing so much in history and science, plus literary analysis item per week. So, I don't do the writing assignments in R&S, but we read them. I would also rec. her literary analysis audio too. I have the WTM, but these just explain things in great detail.


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