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Galore Park Latin - Prep or So You Really wanna Learn?

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I am loving what I am seeing form these samples and I am trying to figure out which series I need for my 8th grade dd who will be studying latin for the first time this year. She wants to do a year or 2 of Latin study, then move on to Spanish. I prefer she do 2 years of Latin at least, as my boys who have always been hs'ed will have had 1-2 years of elem Latin focusing on vocabulary and pronunciation (Latin's Not so Tough), and 2-3 years in middle school(prob Galore Park) focusing on latin grammar and conversational language.


Would we book to jump right into So You Wanna Learn Latin 1, or do we really need to do the primers first? regardless of her age?


Also, does each level take a full school year to complete?



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Have her look at the samples and see which she prefers. LP is wittier, SYR is right to the point. SYR takes a faster approach. My dd has done LP I-II and SYR I. She doesn't have a favorite.


The difference between US and UK is the order of the cases when you memorize them. DD found she liked the UK version better.

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