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How many Bibles do you have in your home?

How many Bibles do you have in your home?  

  1. 1. How many Bibles do you have in your home?

    • 0
    • 1
    • 2-5
    • 5-10
    • Greater than 10

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Just the normal Bible . . not the Bread Bible, Sewing Bible etc.


You do not have to be a reader of it to take part in the poll.


ETA: I really didn't think I could put "Other" as an option on this poll--sorry!

Edited by dmmosher
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I don't know the exact number but it's a lot. We have different versions to reference, plus we have a set of the same version to use for family bible study times.


At times, we've had hundreds. We keep extras on hand as often as we can, so we can give them away to those who ask when we do street evangelism. You'd be surprised how many people don't have a bible; well, at least *I was, initially. There have been times we've come home without our own bibles, because someone we encountered, be it a homeless man or a passing buisness man, didn't have one and said they would read it if they did. :) Same thing with coats in the winter; and once, even socks. :D No one's come home shoe-less yet, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time. And TWICE I've had a lady ask for the headcovering off of my head. But that's another thread...

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Hunter has two--his first Children's Bible, and now an NIV.

Jeffrey has his Children's Bible, an NIV, and his most recent and most often used Study Bible (NASB)

My husband has an NIV and several family Bibles.

I have a devotional bible (NIV), a Thinline (NIV) that I carry in my purse and two new Bibles that Jeffrey and Hunter gave me for my birthday last month: a MacArthur Study Bible (NASB) and a Chronological Study Bible (NKJ).

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We have 4. I counted a copy of the New Testament as one, even though it is technically only half of the Christian Bible.


We also have many other books of various religions or religious myths, all equally respected, as well as books about how to interpret the various religious texts and how ordinary people express their particular religions. For a non-religious family, I realized we have a lot of religious books and books on religions!

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I honestly have no idea! I'll have to count. And we have one bible that no one can touch because it's ancient and has our family tree and notes written in it. (and $20. For the life of me, I have no idea why my great grandma, then my grandma, then my mom would leave money in there, but I have it too just because they did. It's probably the same 20 my grandmother left in there.)


Obviously, it's not enough bibles because I'm trying to choose a catholic women's study bible and cannot pick one and I'm getting a new picture bible this fall for my daughter.

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ds7 has 3 himself.:lol: I have 4-5. dh is a pastor and has....a LOT (He has +10 by himself...a preaching Bible, a personal study Bible, a glove box Bible just in case he forgets one of the other dozen...)! Plus, my younger 2dc each have one.

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More than I want to go count. I have several translations myself, each of the girls has at least 3, and my dh is a seminary student...which means he has a LOT of Bibles. It's kind of a running joke actually...we go to the bookstore and he'll go...oooh I don't have that one! :lol:

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10+ From where I am sitting in the living room I can count 6 on one bookshelf and that doesn't include the boys who each have 2 (so 8 more) plus dh's in his office (he is a pastor/church planter). I know that I have 4 more that are specifically mine.

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More than 20 and I didn't count any of the children's storybook Bibles. I only counted complete Bibles and official translations (not paraphrases). But I have a theology degree and love, love, love having a variety of translations.

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I counted 14 off the top of my head, including one on my Kindle and one on CD. Five of them are my own: The Quest (the one I use regularly), KJV, The Message, Women's Study Bible and the Kindle NIV. My kids each have at least two (one I gave them and one given by the church). Dh has The Quest also, but I'd have to say it's pretty much never been opened. :glare:

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10+ here. I know for a fact because I just unpacked them and put them all on one shelf :) Plus, we have all of the freebee Bibles that DH has received via deployment, etc. LLL asked DH if she could have one of his camo Bibles (from deployment) as her church Bible. So PDG has a pink and white Bible from Grandma and Grandpa, and LLL has a camo Bible. LLL used to have a darling pink and orange Bible (sounds ugly but it was really cute) but it was stolen (no joke) from Sunday School :confused: Let's hope that someone is getting a lot of use out of it.


I currently use an ESV with notes by R.C. Sproul. I'm hoping to get either an ESV Study Bible or ESV MacArthur Bible. Funny thing is I use the Blue Letter Bible website more than anything now.

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Have one. Someone gave it to me maybe 20 years ago. Not a clue where it is, but I remember seeing it when I unpacked boxes that had been in storage for the two years we were overseas. It was a weird collection of things that had been left behind, so I'm not sure where the contents of that box ended up.

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None. Although, I think there may be a few selections in one of my literary anthologies, so I guess my answer would be something like .08 of a bible, lol.


I have "A Buddhist Bible." Does that count? After all, normal is in the eye of the beholder, and all that. :)

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In addition to Bibles for dh and I, our dd has several, I inherited one from my Mother that belonged to her Mother (my Grandmother)....and I have some Bibles that only I personally use.


Now for a thread on translations for those Bibles!! :D

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In addition to Bibles for dh and I, our dd has several, I inherited one from my Mother that belonged to her Mother (my Grandmother)....and I have some Bibles that only I personally use.


Now for a thread on translations for those Bibles!! :D


Dh has a whole shelf of Bibles in different English translations. He's a pastor. He definitely ups our average!

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As I have recently been shoveling off bookshelves, I have stumbled on several. We own more than I would have thought as DH is a non practicing self declared Christian, and I'm an Atheist. My book is more worn than any of DH's. :glare:

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Large family, most of us have at least one Bible and some of us have several for translational and note comparisons. Then we also have esword LOL!


My main Bibles are The Orthodox Study Bible, The Geneva 1590 (though I want a 1560 with deuterocanonicals and psalter in the back ;) ), the ESV, and Thompson's Chain Reference (I don't know if I have this one anymore...we have a habit of giving away Bibles).

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Wow! You all have a lot of bibles!




My husband has one.



That is all.


DH and I have both been Christians since we were very young. We have saved every Bible since we were 5 or 6...promotion Bibles from Sunday School, gift Bibles from our baptisms, study Bibles from Christian school, high school Bible studies, college Bible studies, DH's theology classes may have required a specific translation, etc...


Even PDG already has 3 Bibles, and she is only 6: she received one from Grandma and Grandpa when she was dedicated, one when she graduated from Pre-K from the Christian preschool she attended, and DH gave her one of his deployment Bibles. Ditto for LLL.


It is probably wrong, but we have a hard time letting go of them, when there are so many people in the world would who love to have one, and don't. Some bring out strong sentimental feelings, as well. We both are note-takers in our Bibles, and I know that I still refer back to those notes. I can remember the occasions when I wrote them, the specific sermons, the stage of life I was in, the challenge I was facing at the time. They are almost like diaries in a way. Just this week, LLL found the Bible I received when I was baptized in 4th grade (we just moved, so books were being unpacked). She leafed through it, found old bookmarks, notes, etc. She was really interested.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well over ten of our own, not including about half a dozen children's versions:



an NIV Bible dh has had from before we married

2 NASB large print

6 pocket-sized Bibles (1 NIV, 4 ESV, 1 NASB)

dh's old KJV from his childhood

my Catholic Bible from when my grandpa died

Bible (NKJV) on CD (does that count? :D)

e-sword on the laptop (ESV and KJV)


Plus a pile of paperback NIVs left over from the cases we ordered to hand out to children in our afterschool Bible program.


We all had NIV Bibles, then I switched to an NASB, then we all got ESV, then we bought a few NKJV. We've given a few NIV away, but we usually just keep the old ones on the shelf. We each have at least one for carrying around (purse, backpack,) and one for taking to church. I also taught Sunday School and had a Bible study here, which rquired having extra Bibles to lend.


There are about 35 total in the house right now, but 10 of those will be given away at some point.


When I was growing up, we had one giant white Bible. It was kept in the cupboard, and you couldn't touch it. I always wanted to be able to read it. I think I have gone far the other way as an adult. :D

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