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Forget the reality - please share your perfect homeschool day

Karen in CO

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My dream day-- kids would all be out of bed without my nagging by 7:30am breakfast eaten and cleaned up by 8am (THIS is extreme dreaming!). Start school by 815, done with EVERYTHING (and done well) by 12 with a CLEAN house. Have lunch and the rest of the day for nature walks, fieldtrips, playdays or just fun days!!! :001_tt1: (Oh and NO attitude from my 4 year old :toetap05: )

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Everyone is up, beds are made...and breakfast on the table by 7:30am. I am awake enough to read our Bible Lesson while they eat. We all happily get up after breakfast, and clean up, get dressed and be ready for the morning.


Memory time goes smoothly, and then my oldest follows his lesson plan... as written, without complaint and has his work ready for me to check (and it's really done!).


My toddler and my 4yo can play happily, with their activities without needing my constant attention.


My other two are willing to take turns with mommy, and we all finish school in time to head to the pool!

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We'd have super healthy meals for all our meals. We'd have a morning hike and an evening nature walk. We'd get three hours of very productive lessons done. We'd read aloud in the afternoon to each other, and again at night. We'd practice piano and do tons of art and drawing to fill up the afternoon...


The house would be clean, no stresses or worries (like a darn class reunion to plan)...

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In my perfect day, everyone needs to wake up by 7 and be happy at the breakfast table where I'll read to them while they eat breakfast. Then by 8, I'll be at my desk for work while they sit at their end of the desk and work quietly on their math with classical music playing in the background. We'll take a break to play outside, then they'll get back to work - maybe do an art project together. My mom will read them a lesson and help with their writing. At lunch, I'll help younger with her reading. Then middle will read her a story. After lunch, they either play outside or work on some science activity. After I finish work, we'll all walk to the park while dinner cooks itself. We'll finish up the day with a board game and some story time.



Yep - everyday will be just like that.:001_smile:

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We spend our days outside doing nature studies, picnicing for lunch, and my wonderful children would be quoting Shakespeare and solving proofs while discussing the cultural significance of our current political atmosphere .... HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA :lol: JOKING!!



My kids are only 7 & 4 and I consider it a perfect day when we actually get in math and reading without complaining! Like that ever happens. :glare:;)

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We spend our days outside doing nature studies, picnicing for lunch, and my wonderful children would be quoting Shakespeare and solving proofs while discussing the cultural significance of our current political atmosphere .... HAHAHAHAHHAHAHA :lol: JOKING!!



My kids are only 7 & 4 and I consider it a perfect day when we actually get in math and reading without complaining! Like that ever happens. :glare:;)


I like your perfect day.

I need to work on my image of a perfect day.

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I've thought about this in the past...


I think the perfect homeschool day would be ds being done with everything well before noon (which isn't generally a problem), dd being finished by the time little dd is done with her nap (including music practice & literature reading), a couple of hours with some friends, dinner from the crock-pot, and time in the evening for family read-aloud and a fun DVD.


Today we are coming very close, actually, except that littlest dd will. not. nap., and oldest dd needs to do trumpet practice still.

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I would be up with coffee and quiet time with dh at 7. The boys would get up at 7:30 and have breakfast while I go to Curves for 30 minutes. After breakfast they will voluntarily do their morning routines including getting dressed, brushing teeth, making their beds, unloading the dishwasher, and feeding the dogs all without fighting or complaining. I would come home and get cleaned up while they play a boardgame and at 9 am we would start school. They would work steadily and without complaining until noon when we would have lunch as a family. After lunch they would have play time and free time.

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My son would complete a lesson without whining because it isn't perfect.


I would wake up at 7am before my DC is awake, get a cupajoe that was already waiting for me because I remembered to set it the night before, and have time to read a bit while listening to the birds wake up.

At 8am my dear boy would come down already dressed and in a good mood (this child hates mornings, wakes up grumpy even when I let him sleep as long as he wants) He would eat, do his chores, and play a bit until 9am when we 'officially' start school. He would work on logic warmup without whining when he realizes that he wrote something he didn't like and needed to erase it, and not get upset because his paper isn't perfect. Then we would get on the floor to do AAS. After his lesson he could build words on the white board with the tiles (he often does this) while I threw the clothes in the washer in the dryer. Then I would take something out to defrost for dinner and get History or Science out (our 2 favorite subjects and we alternate). After that lesson we would go outside and walk the dog while we noticed the changes in the season, the weather, and squirrels. He could tell me his latest funny jokes and I can remember some of my goofy knock-knocks. Then when we get back to the house we would snuggle on the couch while he ate fruit dipped in yogurt and we waited for my GS to show up. Once he got there the 3 of us lay around in the living room and I read while they eat, color, or play with playdough. If we have time before Naptime I let them watch Sid the Science kid, or jump on the trampoline while I clean up a bit, get on the computer and/or begin dinner prep if it is something that will go in the oven later. Then it is time for DGS to nap. So I get him settled and then the wonderful boy starts HWOT (BS....there are usually tears because he hates when he makes a mistake but loves cursive) or copywork from First Language lessons, maybe a computer game depending on where we are at in his lessons and the day. Once the Grandboy wake up we eat lunch (I know but they are late breakfast eaters) and go outside for awhile to play while I have some me time (usually spent on the computer, reading, cleaning something I didn't get to earlier, or making calls) The Grandboy comes in while Little man keeps playing outside, or comes in and messes around with his legos or the computer. Grandboy and I start with AAS and he is thrilled to know a bunch more letters and letter sounds when we review (all I do is go over the letter tiles and letter sounds with this guy) Afterwards all of us play a game of Chutes and Ladders, or Rushhour. They go outside for more playtime until Daddy/GrandDaddy get's home and we have dinner where they both eat without minding there are vegetable on the plate, and no ketchup or cheese to cover them. After Bathtime Little man gets his reading book and the tape recorder and reads his book into the tape and plays it back over and over again. (he loves this and it really helped him love reading out loud) Then Daddy roughhouses with the boys until Mom comes and picks up Grandboy and little man winds down. At bedtime we read whatever books we have that go with Science or History and I let him stay up in his room with the light on as long as he is quiet and reading a book for about 30 minutes or so. Then I cuddle with DH and/or mess around with one project or another until bedtime. The End :lurk5:

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Everyone is up, fed, clean, dressed, and happy and in the school room by 8.


I'm able to have fun while teaching and we're able to laugh a lot without unproductive silliness that causes focus to be lost.


Everybody finishes their work by 1, and I'm able to check all of it easily because it is perfectly legible.


The rest of the day is spent on personal interests and outside play.


We finish the day with a family read aloud and everyone goes to bed and stays in bed the first time I say go to bed.

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A day where my children are engaged, laughing, and learning.


A day where moans are the response to school being done for the day.


A day where tangents are freely explored.


A day where my children seek after educational interests when the school day is done.

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7:00--wake up to breakfast in bed, spend uninterrupted time in the Word, kids get themselves ready and get their own breakfast without my nagging


8:30--everyone does chores without dawdling or complaining


9:00-1:00--everyone completes their required work without arguing, whining or other resistance. Kids make visible progress in learning. We have meaningful, interesting discussions about what we're studying. No fighting, no messes and lots of creativity and joy.


1:00-3:00--we have lunch and do something fun (playing games, swimming, running errands, etc.) Bonus points if we can go out for a free lunch somewhere.


3:00-6:00--afternoon activities. Everyone gets to where they need to be on time and with all needed gear. Kids have fun things to do during any time spent waiting while I read my Kindle (which I don't have yet).


6:00-9:00--we eat dinner (that I don't have to make) in a clean house (that I didn't clean) and spend quality family time without chaos or fighting. No fighting or resistance when it's time to get ready for bed.

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4:30am mom up

5am mom at gym

6:30 mom home and takes a shower

7:00-7:30 mom quiet time

7:30 kids up

7:30-8 gets do morning routines(make bed get dressed brush hair), kids get started on breaky

8-8:30 kids finish breaky and brush teeth

8:30-11:30 school (goes perfectly of course with no complaining)

11:30-12 kids play mom fixes lunch

12-12:45 lunch and lunch clean up

12:45-2:30 free play with no arguing or whining about being bored

2:30-4 naptime for the littles, rest time for mom and the biggers

4-6 free play and mom gets dinner prepared (no it doesn't take two hours to make dinner I just get it done during this time :D )

6-7 dinner and clean up

7-8 baths and bedtime routine

8-8:30 daddy time for the kids (daddy reads with them or plays music with them.

8:30 bedtime and they go to sleep right away.

8:30-? mommy free time



In a perfect world of course.

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6-7 wake up, work out, shower


7-8 breakfast and clean up


8-9 chores and deep clean one Zone of the house


9-11:30 Math and Language Arts with a break in between


11:30-12 Make Lunch


12-1 eat and clean up kitchen


1-1:30 Quiet Reading Time (perfect world = 2yo taking a nap)


1:30- 3:30 History, Read Alouds, Science, and/or Art depending on day


3:30- 5pm Outdoor Play while I get laundry folded and dinner going


5-6pm Dinner


6-6:30 clean kitchen


6:30-7:30 go for bike rides or walks outside and enjoy the evening with family.


7:30-8 final snack and devotions


8-8:30 Bedtime Stories and Lights Out for kids


8:30-10 pm clean up kitchen again, prepare for next day, and spend time with DH

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Dream day:


6:00 I am up, breakfast, computer time, paper read

7:00 morning chores, school all set up

8:00 kids are up, dressed, beds made, breakfast, teeth and hair brushed, ready to learn

9:00 school begins, I work with my oldest while my youngest works on a handcraft project quietly.

10:00 I work with my youngest while my oldest works alone

11:00 we do art, music, or handcrafts together

12:00 lunch

12:30 we all do chores in the room of the day

2:00 we have an outing or outdoor play time

4:00 we have quiet time to read a book

5:00 I prep dinner

5:30 we eat

6:00 kitchen clean-up

6:30 baths

7:00 family time

8:30 get ready for bed, story, pajamas, etc.

9:00 lights out and all is quiet


Yeah right like that would really happen. This schedule has the kids being too quiet. My kids are loud, messy and do best with more of a flow to the day than an actual schedule. But I can dream.:001_smile:

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You need to dream big, first, right? Here's my perfect day:

Morning exercise time for me (and actually doing it, without complaining!)

A crockpot breakfast (eliminate my kitchen time in the a.m.)

The 7yo gets up by 9 and is happy

The kids start school without dawdling

The kids work independently and save their questions for a specific time with me

Schoolwork is organized. When the 9yo asks "what are we doing for school today", I have answers!

We do some fun things, and the kids enjoy it (and so do I).

We have a chore time and the kids don't complain

The kids take showers every-other day, and change their clothes more than once per week.

The baby stops eating the dog's food and splashing in her dog water, LOL.

I'm able to take one kid at a time (rather than everyone at once).

I'm able to focus on one thing at a time, rather than everything at once.

And the Absolute Best Day Ever is when it happens the day after yet another really great homeschool day:)

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Let's see...if we're *dreaming*....


I guess I'd wake up at...6AM, refreshed, several lbs lighter, w/ makeup already on...no, I wouldn't need it...


I'd check email in bed while Someone brings a really healthy, delicious, calorie-free breakfast on a tray. The kids would already be dressed & fed w/ made beds when I got up, dressed up in my attorney-but-this-is-my-day-off jeans & sportcoat. They were finger-painting under Someone's supervision while I got dressed, but now it's all cleaned up & dried. They're happy & NOT HUNGRY & sweet.


I do FIAR or something like that w/ the littles while the bigs work on math facts or other independent schoolwork. Feeling well-fed & well-loved, the littles head off to Montessori school w/ Someone while I head to the dining room to being our official school day. It's 8 or 9AM. I'd be happy w/ either at this point.


We have an amorphous few hrs together, reading, writing, discussing hist, sc, etc. We don't forget to squeeze in spelling, while I make a 2nd cup of coffee or do some other small household task (not painting my nails, though, because I've had a fresh mani/pedi).


Someone serves lunch around 11 or 12 & tea around 2. Someone picks the littles up from school, feeds them lunch, & puts them down for naps. Someone starts dinner, spiffs up the house, cleans the bathroom.


School's done around 2, but sometimes it's so great we go till 4. The kids do lots of school projects w/ scissors, glue, & glitter during the afternoons (w/out making a mess) while I write. When the littles wake up, we all go for a nature walk together through the woods (that don't exist here) by the stream (that's not here, either) w/out any spiders, bugs, or mice, while Someone finishes dinner. Or we walk on the beach. The woods are out the back door; beach is out the front. Both are an even 70 degrees almost all the time. Sometimes there's a 75degree day; for Christmas, there's snow.


The phone never rings. I don't know if it's broken or Someone's taking messages. Time spent on the boards is not deducted fromt the day. I never have to set foot in the kitchen, & the bathrooms are always clean.


Someone is very tired at the end of the day, but I'm blissed out. :D

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This is a dream right?

8:00am~Coffee is delivered to me by freshly scrubbed children. We retire to the backporch for croissant and a book on cd.


9:00 am~Everyone happily begins their lessons. They work steadily until 10 when we take precisely 15 minutes to play and have juice/coffee. We return to work and finish by 12.


12:00~Lunch, prepared by a maid appears (this is perfect, right?). We spend the afternoon swimming, hiking, crafting and enjoying each other's company without bickering.


5:00~that maid again picks up the house and makes supper and possibly even prepares drinks for dh and I




7:00~children outside while I enjoy some computer time or a book


8:00~Children willingly take baths and tuck themselves in waiting patiently for me to come and read their bedtime story. At 8:30 they willingly let me go and read themselves to sleep not bothering me again until they bring me my coffee the next morning.


In reality I would be happy if we could just get through a day with no whining.

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