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MIL-"we thought your ds needed more learning opportunities..."

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My MIL is visiting and told me today that she thought my ds6 needed more learning opportunities so they bought him some flashcards and workbooks. My response, "oh," and then left the room so as not to visibly show my irritation. How many 6yo boys do you know that will enjoy their "learning opportunity" of flashcards and workbooks? :confused: Because we're going to do our regular schoolwork and then bring out her extra workbooks??!! Argghh. I'm not going to try to prove to her that he's actually learning and that I have real, quality curriculum that's enjoyable to my son.


What do you ladies do? Just bite your tongues and say thank you? Some guidance in being kind and gracious would be most appreciative..



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Simply say THANK YOU genuinely and sincerely, then follow it up with, since you are so willing to help, if you see these books at while you're around shopping could you pick them up for him?


Give them a list of 50 books that you'd like in your library!! :)



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Simply say THANK YOU genuinely and sincerely, then follow it up with, since you are so willing to help, if you see these books while you're around shopping could you pick them up for him?


Give them a list of 50 books that you'd like in your library!! :)





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Simply say THANK YOU genuinely and sincerely, then follow it up with, since you are so willing to help, if you see these books at while you're around shopping could you pick them up for him?


Give them a list of 50 books that you'd like in your library!! :)




Genuinely say thank you, then email them your amazon school book wishlist. ;)

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Simply say THANK YOU genuinely and sincerely, then follow it up with, since you are so willing to help, if you see these books at while you're around shopping could you pick them up for him?


Give them a list of 50 books that you'd like in your library!! :)




I tried that once. My MIL completely ignored it. :glare: I've even put specific educational items on our Christmas list (on those years that she asked for one), and never got those, either.


Think she's trying to make a point? :001_rolleyes:

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