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America Last Best Hope questions

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I have been over and over the America: The Last Best Hope several times and still have questions. Can any of you who used it clear these things up?


Is it worth it? It comes out to $58 something for each book with the roadmap and syllabus/tests.


Do kids KNOW their american history after using it? Does it truly help them on their ACT's?


How much time a week does it take?


Is the roadmap geared so much toward a classroom experience that it takes away from a homeschooler's experience?


Are there any other curriculums out there like this? Through bunny trails I see several thought-provoking books written by real people (not textbook style) and am wondering if there are options that way. However, I do see Bob Jones US History used as a spine, so it must be good, correct?


Any help would be appreciated.

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I'm sorry--I have not used this at the high school level, but am responding to give you what little information I can. I am reading this now, and I have really enjoyed the books. I'm almost finished with the first volume; there are two volumes, as you probably know.


I bought it for the same reason which you are considering: to use it for an American history spine for my older two girls. Unfortunately, we stopped homeschooling one year short of using this book, so I can't give you any specific information on how to use it for a high school student. However, I will say that I exchanged several e-mails with a woman who was in charge of the project for turning it into a high-school level curriculum, and I was impressed with the fact that the book had been closely edited, peer-reviewed, and the extra materials were also undergoing a review process.


Sorry to not be of more help! Hopefully my post will bump things up; perhaps someone else will see this and be able to give you more detailed information. :)

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I used America: The Last Best Hope last year with a 9th and a 12th grader. They took the SAT so I have no idea what effect it has on the ACT. For me, the $58 was worth it just because I didn't have to make up tests, and they both needed more practice with multiple choice tests. I combined it with American Lit and some movies. They liked it.


I would never use BJU as a history spine.

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I have been over and over the America: The Last Best Hope several times and still have questions. Can any of you who used it clear these things up?


Is it worth it? It comes out to $58 something for each book with the roadmap and syllabus/tests.


Do kids KNOW their american history after using it? Does it truly help them on their ACT's?


How much time a week does it take?


Is the roadmap geared so much toward a classroom experience that it takes away from a homeschooler's experience?


Are there any other curriculums out there like this? Through bunny trails I see several thought-provoking books written by real people (not textbook style) and am wondering if there are options that way. However, I do see Bob Jones US History used as a spine, so it must be good, correct?


Any help would be appreciated.


We used it in combination with Omnibus,so we didn't do all the activities. However, I think it would have been great to do them all. Yes, there are activites that aregeared to the classroom. There were debates-I did one side and my son took the other-so it was very doable(and fun) There were many thoughtful essay questions, and a test at the end of eachchapter. I thought it was very well worth the money. I would supplement it with some primary readings ( Ithink there are even suggestions in the book)



A typical week: Monday he would read the chapter. Tuesday wewould go over the teacher's supplements. They would have an activity to do that corresponds with the reading. If there was a debate , we would pick side andwork on that. Wed he would continue working on the debate or essay. Friday test , answer essays, debate.

Edited by Cedarmom
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