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AAS - Student materials packet


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I did not know the Student Materials Pack came with the tile letters. I thought that was in the Starter Pack??

( I don't yet own AAS so I am going based on their website).

According to the website - each student needs their own Student Materials Pack - but it sounds like you can get just one Starter pack for all you children to share.

Am I understanding this correctly?

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The student packs don't come with the letter tiles. Only the cards and in the upper levels word banks, syllabication rules and jail. The upper levels may include a few addition tiles for syllabication, but that's it.


If you have 2 students using the same level I advise one pack for each because they may not move through the level at exactly the same pace or need review of the same phonograms, rules and words even if they are in the same place in the book.


As for the letter tiles which come in the starter pack, yes you can use one set for more than one student. It may take a little effort if they move at different paces and thus need different tiles on the board (you are only supposed to put up the ones that have been covered in the steps they've gone through) but not too hard.

Just my .02

Edited by nukeswife
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...If you have 2 students using the same level I advise one pack for each because they may not move through the level at exactly the same pace or need review of the same phonograms, rules and words even if they are in the same place in the book.



:iagree:AAS uses the cards to keep track of which phonograms, rules, and words a child has memorized. There are little dividers to file cards behind when they are "mastered" or when they need to be "reviewed". Since each child will probably need review on different rules and words I would definitely agree with the recommendation of having a set of cards for each child. If you're really in a pinch for money you might be able to keep track of all this on paper, making some kind of notations about the cards each child needs to review and then crossing them off the list as they're mastered, writing them back down if they forget and need more review. That sort of thing. But it would definitely save a lot of time and frustration just to have two sets.

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It would be much easier if each child had their own set of cards. You are supposed to file the cards in different places depending on what they have mastered, what they still need to practice, and what is coming up next. In reality, each child will be working on different cards, even if they are at the same level. They probably aren't always going to master the same exact cards at the same exact time. KWIM? So, it would be much easier if each child had their own set of cards, already set up for them. That way, you aren't wasting time trying to figure out which cards you need for each child for each lesson.

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