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How do you prepare your child's copywork?


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Startwrite is driving me INSANE. . . maybe my version is too old or it's messed up but I cannot get decent copy work pages out of it. I can't format them to save my LIFE! :confused:




How to you prepare and present copy work to your child? Do you hand write it? Do you type up copy work passages on a separate sheet and give them hand writing paper to use while they read off of your prepared sheet? Do you type the copy work passage right onto the hand writing page? Do you have a line of copy work then a blank line for copying OR is the copy work passage all in one place and the child's work done below? What program or website do you use?


I am about ready to FUGEDDABOUDIT!! :D I will ask DH to assist me with Startwrite. Perhaps the 400 million hours I've spent on the computer, reading, filing, copying, thinking, etc. has adversely affected my ability to FUNCTION!!!

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I use an old version of StartWrite. It is a pain to format.


I specify size 72 of the the GDI font, which corresponds roughly to GDI-A level. I use the triple guidelines.


I type one line of copywork followed by a blank line for copying. If a sentence goes beyond one line (which, at size 72, often does) I break it up so that there is always a blank line alternating with a line of copywork. I do this because dd needs to see the line of copywork immediately above. I believe as she grows up, she will be able to copy from a passage at the top of the page or on a separate page.


My version of StartWrite does not allow copy-paste, so I have to type everything. I will keep doing this till dd has mastered the GDI writing style, at which point I will use another (free) Italics font in MS Word to create her copywork. I will still provide blank lines with triple guidelines till she needs them.




If you could explain the exact problem(s) you have with StartWrite, I may be able to help. But I would also suggest that you invest in the EFI fonts package. It will make your life easier and with 4 dc, you will be able to get good value out of it, and (I think) be able to re-sell the CD once you are done with it.


Or, if you can find a free font that is similar to the style you are using in StartWrite currently, you can create the copywork in MS Word or another document editor.



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I use Educational Fontware fonts (GDI) in a regular word processor. The text is usually from Gutenberg. DD the Elder receives sheets with entire stories or long selections printed in the target script at the target size, and she writes on blank ruled pages. We bind these after she finishes each story or long selection. DD the Younger gets sheets (landscape orientation) with words and phrases from Phonics Pathways and blank rules underneath each line for copying. When she's reading well, we'll move to her sister's method.

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I have a lot of triple-lined paper, so most likely I'll hand write any copywork and she can copy it into her notebook--also triple-lined, but with a narrower line than the looseleaf we have (2nd grade vs. 1st grade paper).

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My son still needs dotted lines to trace, so I sue Start Write.
Educational Fontware's fonts includes dotted lines, outlines, etc., with and without rules, and with and without arrows. It also includes a program to join the cursive text.
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We've been very happy with StartWrite... Maybe it's because it's the only handwriting program I've used and I'm a techy person to begin with? But it seems easy to me. I bought my version not too long ago.


We're just starting cursive, so I'm psyched that StartWrite has HWT Cursive font. I use only the two lines, no top and no dotted middle lines, just like HWT does.


Sometimes we just use the WWE workbook for copywork, and my daughter just copies from those sentences. That works out just as fine if she prints it.

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:001_smile: Lots of options . . .


My version of Start Write is 5.0 I have had it for a few years so I'm thinking it's funkier than the newer versions. I am very annoyed with it. Maybe I should just upgrade to a newer version but I feel that hesitation. I'm going to compare what I have with the newest version.


EFI looks very good . . . With EFI can I type the text I want at the top of the page and have handwriting guides/lines printed below it (either two line or 3 line depending on my handwriting style choice)? This would be a format like you see on a Writing With Ease worksheet. I want to re-do WWE copywork for my son who needs narrower lines than WWE provides in the workbook. I also want to make extra copywork for him in a similar format. He doesn't need a line by line thing anymore. He does well with the lay out of the WWE workbook (except for the width of the guide lines).


With EFI can I also type a line of copywork in my choice of size and have it print up right on the guidelines (for a beginner) with a blank guide line just below it for the child to write on?


I'm trying to envision how I can use EFI and if it works in the way I want Start Write to work for me but with fewer headaches.


Ultimately, it is my desire to prepare copywork and be able to SAVE it for re-use by kids coming up the ranks. I have no desire to do things over and over. Can I save documents I make when I use EFI?


I'm still trying to figure out my version of SW. I think it has limitations (as compared to newer versions) that are frustrating and time sucking (copy/paste doesn't seem to work; sizing is tricky). Over and over I labor with it only to have the urge to throw the computer out the window! :D

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I use openofficeorg which is a free word processor(you could use MS Word) along with the free fonts from Donna Young website. http://donnayoung.org/penmanship/fonts.htm Once installed this is all you need to create your own handwriting sheets. I made a large book over the summer that has Aesop's Fables copywork all ready to go. My daughter loves the pages. You can even add whatever pictures you want to jazz it all up. Can't beat free and I get to fit it to our needs.





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There IS something wrong with my Start Write. I'm going to delete it from the computer and re-install it.


It does appear to be the current version (5.0) so it should work but . . .


I've finally realized part of my problem . . . at the top of the page there are all of these black boxes. I have NO idea what they're for and sometimes I accidentally click one and something weird happens. Well, they are supposed to have labels on them like Copy, Paste, Art Box, Text Box, Spell, Zoom, etc. They're just black!! UGH. I wonder if my copy of SW is defective.

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Start Write users,


Is there a way to use SW to format a copy work page to look like a page in a WWE workbook? I want text at the top (the entire sentence or passage; not on guidelines; in smallish font) with appropriately sized guide lines following the sentence or passage. I CANNOT figure this out but there must be a way.


If I CAN do that and I find that my copy is truly defective then I'll just re-purchase SW.

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Hi Again,

I thought I would attach a sample page of the history copywork book that I made for my daughter. I hope this gives you a better idea of what a word processor and the free fonts can do. It is very simple in design but she likes to draw on the bottom of the sheet so I didn't need to add any "fluff."





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Start Write users,


Is there a way to use SW to format a copy work page to look like a page in a WWE workbook? I want text at the top (the entire sentence or passage; not on guidelines; in smallish font) with appropriately sized guide lines following the sentence or passage. I CANNOT figure this out but there must be a way.


If I CAN do that and I find that my copy is truly defective then I'll just re-purchase SW.


Hi Katrina,


I think you would have to create two text boxes, a smaller one at the top of the page, without guidelines and a bigger one below it with guidelines. Then, type the passage into the first text box and blank lines in the second one. To get blank lines, just press 'Enter' once for each line.


I do think you should re-install StartWrite on your computer first. After reinstalling, if you do confirm that your copy of SW is defective, I think the company should replace the CD for the cost of shipping.


Also, in answer to your earlier questions reg. EFI, yes, you can do all of those things using the myriad of font styles available on the EFI CD. Once you install the fonts you need, you can create documents in any document editor /word processor software such as Microsoft Word or Microsoft WordPad or OpenOffice. For each type of passage/blank line you want, you have to select the appropriate font in the document editor.



Edited by nansk
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