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Okay, so I'm finalizing plans for next year. I was confident I had all of the LA areas covered....we use CLE(except the spelling), Sequential Spelling, and WWE. This is for my second grader. I realized I don't have anything for vocabulary, but am not sure I even need anything this early. So, when do you start a formal vocabulary curriculum, if at all? Nothing like last minute anxiety about "getting it all in"! Thanks:)

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I wouldn't worry about vocabulary for a second grader myself. If you are following a classical education model then you would introduce some vocabulary with literature and history reading at 3-4th grade level, but it is mostly an introduction even at that age as they learn to use the dictionary. Some spelling programs, such as Spelling Workout, include vocabulary words. That is one of the reasons why TWTM so highly recommends SW. But at this point it sounds like you have a good plan in place without adding vocabulary.




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