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Sport/exercise activity for a kid that doesn't do sports?

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Eventually, when hubby gets a job again, we want to be able to sign the kids up for something.


Two of the boys want to do some kind of gymnastics.


My oldest (10 1/2) has no interests... we've suggested tennis, soccer, football, bowling, gymnastics, martial arts, t-ball, swimming.... you name it, he refuses it. LOL

He has a fear of failure, and his LD's sometimes confuses him and makes him self-conscious. He's also just not a competetive sport kinda kid. (He has no problems with exercise and runs, rides his bike, swims for fun with no problems!)


The only thing he wants to do is competetive archery or guns/rifle shooting, but I can't seem to find any kids' program for this in the near area (north dallas area).


Can ya'll think of anything that might be good for a kid that doesn't like sports?

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I don't understand the problem. You've just said he runs, rides his bike and swims. Exercise counts even if you aren't paying for it! As for archery, try looking at historic re-enactment. Here, the kids train and compete with the adults when they are so inclined and everyone has fun.




Aha, here is your local SCA group. I wouldn't know about any other groups that might be around: http://steppes.ansteorra.org/node/4926

Edited by Rosie_0801
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Sorry, I should have told you the whole point. LOL


Hubby insists we get them into sports so they can socialize. He thinks they dont do enough. (I disagree, but whatever.) I don't argue, because I dont see any harm in them pursuing any activity that interests them... except my oldest doesn't have any that fit hubby's criteria. LOL


I actually just found out the 4-H club has a gun club for kids, I'm going to check into, and he liked the fencing suggestion-- I'll try to find out about that too!

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I'd consider family activities. Biking, walking, swimming together, a basketball hoop in the driveway (if possible) and nightly games, a tether ball in the yard, canoing, kayaking, ....whatever can be done together as a family. Some kids are not into team sports, but enjoy activites with their family.

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If it is very important to you and your dh that he participate in some sport, I would have him choose one and do it for a year. In other words, there would be no room for refusing.


Martial arts can be competitive, but it can also be done without competing. And since the class is comprised of so many different levels, there's not usually any self-conscious issues. :) Our school lets the dc try a class or two for free, too!


Would your dh consider dance an acceptable activity? It can be high energy, group or individual, and I happen to know of a great studio in Plano. :D


I like our dc to have one individual activity/sport and one team/group sport. A couple of sports lasted one season, some have lasted for years.



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My DS, 9 YO just started fencing and loves it! They don't start competing until 10 so your DS is just the right age to start. I think there is a club in North Dallas; we have done beginner lessons at a club in Souhtlake. I hoping he can continue after football is over (if he decides he really wants to play - I can't get him to commit there either, LOL!)

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Calvin has poor coordination. He has no interest in competitive sports, but has had good luck with Taekwondo. If you can find a sympathetic class, with a teacher who sees each child as an individual, I think that martial arts can be a great option. The TKD has, I believe, helped enormously with Calvin's coordination, as well as his fitness.


He has now taken up fencing and is finding that this also suits him.


FWIW my sons have not had the option of 'doing nothing'. They have to do one formal sports class weekly (in addition to swimming, which is a safety issue) and any day when they have no other exercise they have to run.



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