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Favorite Christian Read-Alouds for PreK-2nd?


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Do you have any favorite Christian read aloud books for Prek-2nd grade? My library isn't that grand, so I'm thinking of investing in some. For example, I just saw that VP recommends a book by R.C. Sproul called "The Lightlings." I've also heard great things about the Missionary Stories with the Millers...those kinds of books....history, literature, non-fiction - any subject is fine!

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Do you have any favorite Christian read aloud books for Prek-2nd grade? My library isn't that grand, so I'm thinking of investing in some. For example, I just saw that VP recommends a book by R.C. Sproul called "The Lightlings." I've also heard great things about the Missionary Stories with the Millers...those kinds of books....history, literature, non-fiction - any subject is fine!


I was going to recommend the Miller series :001_smile:. Chronicles of Narnia.

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Do you have any favorite Christian read aloud books for Prek-2nd grade? My library isn't that grand, so I'm thinking of investing in some. For example, I just saw that VP recommends a book by R.C. Sproul called "The Lightlings." I've also heard great things about the Missionary Stories with the Millers...those kinds of books....history, literature, non-fiction - any subject is fine!


We have The Lightlings--it's beautiful! Sproul also has another couple children's books but we don't have them.

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We love the storybooks by R.C. Sproul and the Miller Series.


The little Jewel books published by Rod and Staff are wonderful.


Another favorite for both of my children was Hinds' Feet on High Places by Hannah Hurnard. The version we read is specifically arranged for children. ISBN 0-7684-2021-0

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Ohhh! This is one of my favorite topics!!!


I love Lightlings.


Miss Fannie's Hat

You are Special

Princess and the Kiss

Squire and the Scroll

Lamplighter Illustrated Teddy's button

Lamplighter Illustrated The Three Weavers

Treasures of the Snow (Chapter Book)

Jesus Storybook Bible


My brain is blitzing... I will scan shelves and be back if I have more...



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Guest mrsjamiesouth
Do you have any favorite Christian read aloud books for Prek-2nd grade? My library isn't that grand, so I'm thinking of investing in some. For example, I just saw that VP recommends a book by R.C. Sproul called "The Lightlings." I've also heard great things about the Missionary Stories with the Millers...those kinds of books....history, literature, non-fiction - any subject is fine!


The Lightlings is a really cute book. Sproul also wrote a couple others that were good as well. One is called The King without a Shadow. I also really like the Millers.

Books by Patricia St John (one is called Treasure of the snow)

Hero Tales

The Children's Book of Virtues

We liked The Squire and the Scroll, they also have The Princess and the Kiss for girls.

I know they don't talk about God, but the Berenstein Bear books have wonderful messages. You can talk after you read about how it relates to something in the Bible.

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