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Follow up to 3mo BM's: Nutramigen formula causing frequent, somewhat loose BM's?

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We saw the pedi. today and I mentioned my 3.5 month old's frequent and somewhat loose BM's to her. She said she thinks it's the Nutramigen and to maybe start considering trying soy to see if they harden up. I chose nutramigen because the dairy based formulas caused him to be tense and restless, so I just went straight to the hypoallergenic. She also mentioned starting applesauce and other fruits slowly and the oatmeal cereal to see if that helps harden the BM's and make them less frequent. It's strange, though, he's been on nutramigen since around 2 months and was totally fine until 2 weeks ago. I had started rice cereal in his bottle at night, so I quit that thinking his BM's were caused by the cereal. But, it's been a week and the BM's haven't changed. Has anyone else had an experience like this with nutramigen? What did you do? My first ds was on alimentum the whole first year and never had anything like this. My dd was on similac advance and never had issues. So, this is new for me.

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