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Supplements for mood swings?

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I'm asking this in hopes of helping my mom - she's been having a difficult time with every-other-day mood swings lately. She was having similar issues at least as far back as last summer, too (she lives in AZ) and thinks the heat does make it worse, but I'm puzzled by every other day - one day is great, the next is not. She's 61, menopausal, exercises moderately. . .I don't know if anyone else has dealt with something similar and has something to recommend?


Thanks :)

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I'm asking this in hopes of helping my mom - she's been having a difficult time with every-other-day mood swings lately. She was having similar issues at least as far back as last summer, too (she lives in AZ) and thinks the heat does make it worse, but I'm puzzled by every other day - one day is great, the next is not. She's 61, menopausal, exercises moderately. . .I don't know if anyone else has dealt with something similar and has something to recommend?


Thanks :)


You may suggest that she gets her thyroid checked out? Some women have major mood swings, almost bi-polar when their thyroid is out of whack.


I would also recommend cutting out refined flour, sugar, processed food. Have her add in Cod Liver oil. That worked WONDERS for me during and after my last 2 pregnancies. WOWeeeee


FWIW: my mom was AWFUL when she was going through menopause. It was so hard to live with her (she started in her 50s).

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I'm asking this in hopes of helping my mom - she's been having a difficult time with every-other-day mood swings lately. She was having similar issues at least as far back as last summer, too (she lives in AZ) and thinks the heat does make it worse, but I'm puzzled by every other day - one day is great, the next is not. She's 61, menopausal, exercises moderately. . .I don't know if anyone else has dealt with something similar and has something to recommend?


Thanks :)


The fish oils can really help. You want 1000mg of EPA (not just total fish oil) per day. We use County Life Omega 3 Mood here with good results.


Beyond that I would have her see her doctor for some basic blood tests--thyroid, blood sugars, anemia, hormone levels, Vit. D level, Vit. B-12 levels, etc. All of these can cause problems if they are "off".

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Read this and thought to share.


All of us get depressed at times.

These 5 steps will help temporary depression. If 5 steps are too many, just do the first one. It will help you move on to the rest.

Put a copy of these 5 steps on your fridge. Then you’ll know where to look when you’re down and can’t get up.



Regular exercise improves your mood as much as medication.

The last thing most of us want to do when we’re depressed is exercise. But it’s the most important step you can take. Force yourself to move. Within 20-30 minutes, you’ll have more energy and feel better emotionally.

Force yourself to get out and walk. If it’s still daylight, get up right now and walk just for 20 minutes. You need to exercise 4-5 times a week to beat off depression. Daily is even better.



When you’re depressed, it’s difficult to reach out to others. But that’s just what you need to do.

Stop making excuses. Your friends love you even when you’re feeling down. They want to help you as much as you want to help them when they’re in need.

Pick up the phone and make a date with a friend to get together. Have them over for a cup of coffee or tea if you can’t get out.

Look for activities that will distract you and take your mind off your problems. Arrange to go for a walk and exercise with a friend.

Reach out, even if you don’t feel like it.

If no one you know is available to get together, volunteer your services somewhere. Offer to help out one time for just a few hours. If you like it, do it regularly. You’ll meet new people and feel better being around others.



Some foods will add to your depression. Others have the opposite effect. For instance, it’s important to get enough protein – as much as 15-20 grams with each meal. You need protein to help make mood-regulating chemicals. Protein also keeps your blood sugar from dropping. Low blood sugar can cause fatigue and temporary depression.

Avoid any foods that trigger a low-blood-sugar response, such as sugar (honey, pure cane sugar juice, etc.), alcohol, fruit juices, and high quantities of refined carbohydrates (brad, crackers, white rice).

Get junk foods out of the house today.

When you want something sweet, eat a piece of fruit.

Eat small amounts of unrefined carbohydrates such as beans, fresh fruit, and brown rice. They help your brain release serotonin. Half a cup of a starch, such as brown rice or one piece of fruit, is a reasonably small amount.

Make eating good foods easy by planning in advance. Buy healthy frozen meals, especially those that are organic.

Get pre-washed, pre-cut salad greens and vegetables to either eat raw or to sauté with your entrée.

Have some bean dip on hand to eat for a meal or as a snack with carrots and celery.

Buy healthy prepared soups, either dried, frozen, or in boxes.



St. John’s Wort is the most popular and well-studied herb for minor and moderate depression. It has been tested head-to-head with Prozac. It often works just as well as Prozac with fewer side effects.

One reason it works so well is because of its side effect. It causes photosensitivity. Bright light therapy helps reduce depression. By increasing your sensitivity to light, St. John’s Wort magnifies the effects of normal light. It acts just like you’re being exposed to continuous light therapy.

The daily dosage varies from 300-1000 mg a day.

Try it for at least a month.

One warning: St. John’s Wort can reduce the effectiveness of some medications. If you take any drugs at all, consult with your doctor or pharmacist before taking this herb.

Raises serotonin levels

Helps relieve chronic insomnia

Helps relieve mild depression – especially if you’re healthy and not taking other medications.

May help relieve panic attacks – when taken 2-3 times a day

Because this herb can sensitize the skin to sunlight, take it in the evening after the sun has set.



Helps with:

• Sleep problems – quality and duration

• Emotional eating and evening cravings – helps suppress appetite

• Anxiety and depression as it increases serotonin levels

• Melatonin production

• Serotonin production

Best if taken sublingually - opening the capsule and pouring the contents on your tongue.

Try to avoid eating or drinking anything for 20 minutes before and after taking it.

No more than about 3 capsules a day – can safely take up to 400 mg per day – although most need less.

Loses its efficacy if taken every single day – best if you take breaks – sometimes alternating days – and sometimes take a break for an entire month or so

It may take 1-2 weeks to notice any effects and up to 6 weeks to notice the full benefits.

Be cautious about taking this if you’re on anti-depressants



Essential oils are never used topically. Never take them internally unless you are under the care of health care practitioner skilled in using them. However, you can safely rub a few drops on your wrist, put them in your bath, or add them to oil and give your hands and feet an aromatherapy massage.

Use only pure essential oils. Synthetic ones won’t work as well.

Lavender is known for its ability to lift depression. It relaxes, stimulates, calms, and invigorates.

Ravensera is energizing and uplifting. It helps relieve chronic depression and promotes energy and mental clarity.

Bitter Orange helps lift anxiety, depression, nervousness, and insomnia.

Patchouli calms the nerves, improves concentration, and lifts depression.


REMEMBER THAT: Everything changes. Today’s depression will turn into tomorrow’s peacefulness and joy if you’ll allow it. Concentrate on everything you have rather than what you don’t have. Appreciate each little blessing. :grouphug:


BTW, your avatar is absolutely gorgeous.

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