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TOG Users...?? Overlapping D/R

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I asked this at the TOG forum, but it isn't as busy/responsibe as WTM. For those o fyou who use TOG have you ever overlapped the D/R stages?


My ds will be 9th grade next month and I plan on doing D level history and literature with him and incorporating some Govt and the Philosophy. I just don't think he is ready for R all the way across the board.


I know D can go upto 9th grade, but has anyone used D beyond 9th grade in combination with R? Some of the R stuff looks to be (at this point) too deep for my ds. Although I could not be giving him enough credit, but he is definitely still in the question asking stage and very in to looking things up, comparing and debating - especially where science is concerned.

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sure, you can absolutely do this! In fact, I'd say a whole lot people do this. You might want to consider, though, that R literature is probably the toughest of the R subjects. If you're going to ease into any subject, it might be the best one. If you're worried about credits for dialectic work, the rule of thumb is to complete all dialectic assignments in a given area to qualify for one regular high school credit.

Edited by jananc
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sure, you can absolutely do this! In fact, I'd say a whole lot people do this. You might want to consider, though, that R literature is probably the toughest of the R subjects. If you're going to ease into any subject, it might be the best one. If you're worried about credits, the rule of thumb is to complete all assignments in a given area to qualify for one regular credit.



OK- thanks for the info on the R literature. I am so excited to get started!

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And we'll be doing TOG 3 this year.


She will be doing a D/R combo for the first couple of months until she adjusts to the load. My goal is to have her doing R work totally by January. HOWEVER, I truly don't think the kid will manage to get through Crime and Punishment as a 9th grader. I'll probably drop her down to R off and on in Lit.


A previous poster was right!!! The Lit part of TOG can be really hard!!

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To me, history for rhetoric isn't that hard. My oldest did rhetoric history as a 9th grader (year 3) with no problem. This year BOTH my boys 8th and 10th will be doing rhetoric history. There is a little more reading, but it is doable. The big problem is literature. I also skipped Crime and Punishment and adapted year 3 last year for my 9th grader. I am also adapting it for this year. I bought some progeny press guides for my 8th grader for some of the works as I feel like the literary analysis is just way too deep for him. We are doing a mix of dialectic, rhetoric and other books (A Separate Peace) that I have taught in ps.



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We'll also combine. We're starting R for history and gov't; skipping philosophy the entire year; and staying with D lit until January/Feb.


I also want to encourage you that the mental growth of a 14ish year old boy will really bloom during this time. My eldest could handle way less last year at the beginning than he could at the end. All of a sudden, maturity kicked in...hallelujah! :D I.e., you may not be giving him all the credit for who he'll grow into this year.


Just start easy and evaluate as you go. I know, that's not very efficient for planning, but it works :001_smile:

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Just wanted to throw a bump for you ladies who haven't done R level lit before. It may not be as simple as jumping in midyear as you think...they go through quite a bit of instruction of the basics in the beginning weeks.


Plot outlines, definitions, etc. There's a lot there that you are expected to know by the time week 18/20 or so hits.


Just a warning...not saying you can't do it...just beware of that issue. Look at your specific year plan. Some are more organized than others (like year 2 first printing was a bear to find where stuff was presented in, I was told years 3 and 4 are better).



and I don't use TOG anymore so can't really help with the specifics (we just stopped this spring), just happened upon this thread and thought it might be of use to one of you...

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Thanks. I think since he is 14 we will just do Dialectic our first year (which will be Yr 2 U, 3 and 4 and Yr 3 U 1 and 2) along with Philosophy which so far I just plan to read together and discuss. From what I can tell there are no written assignments for Philosophy???

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Just wanted to throw a bump for you ladies who haven't done R level lit before. It may not be as simple as jumping in midyear as you think...they go through quite a bit of instruction of the basics in the beginning weeks.


Plot outlines, definitions, etc. There's a lot there that you are expected to know by the time week 18/20 or so hits.


Just a warning...not saying you can't do it...just beware of that issue. Look at your specific year plan. Some are more organized than others (like year 2 first printing was a bear to find where stuff was presented in, I was told years 3 and 4 are better).



and I don't use TOG anymore so can't really help with the specifics (we just stopped this spring), just happened upon this thread and thought it might be of use to one of you...

That is actually why we're starting mid-year...we are in the middle of year 3 now. We'll start year 4 in Jan/Feb, thus the switch. Year 3 has a great D literature study in terms of mechanics, so I thought it best to finish what we started in that regard. :) Great heads up!

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