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Need to make a decision about what to cull from SOTW 2, 3, and 4. Suggestions?


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I teach SOTW 2, 3, and 4 in a private school (after many, many years of homeschooling). For the past few years using SOTW, I inevitably have to leave out chapters to make the books fit into our school year. Very hard, too, since I love these books so much!


Unfortunately, using most books in a traditional classroom is vastly different than using them at home. Both have pros and cons. There's just no way I know of to use all the chapters in one book during the school year, but I'm open to suggestions!


So, I need to cull chapters. But that's not so easy because of the chronological way the book is arranged.


I'm thinking about combining all the chapters about the Far East, for instance, into one big unit including geography and do it over 2-3 weeks. Since I haven't yet mapped this out, I'm not sure even that would help time-wise. But it is a start. At least I wouldn't be eliminating them altogether.


I need some suggestions, especially from anyone who has done this before. Time is getting down to the wire, and I need to make some decision in the next two weeks.


FWIW, we cover one chapter in a 5-day period and start the next chapter on the test day (5th day). I have combined two chapters before for one test day, but the students don't prefer that (which is not a decision-maker for me). I have thought about combining 2-3 chapters and that would probably really leave them quaking!


So, please, suggest away!! (Remember, since this is a traditional classroom, eliminating tests altogether is not an option.)



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Would it be possible to use the audiobook versions of SOTW, and go for more of an overview of history, rather than getting too detailed? The CDs are excellent, and each chapter is fairly short, so kids don't seem to have trouble sitting through them.


You could use the SOTW tests as discussion questions.



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I'm thinking about combining all the chapters about the Far East, for instance, into one big unit including geography and do it over 2-3 weeks. Since I haven't yet mapped this out, I'm not sure even that would help time-wise. But it is a start. At least I wouldn't be eliminating them altogether.


Paula's Archives has a list of all the chapters from all the volumes of SOTW separated by country. At least that much work is already done for you! ;) Good luck!

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I think some of it depends on your focus. I usually would get rid of some of the non western civ chapters. But I know for others that is one of thier favorite parts.


Here are some thoughts for SOTW 2.


Another thing might be to get rid of the chapters about people or religion. or folktales? Do you need a chapter about Shakespeare? What about 3 chapters on Islam?


Sure when you look at any idividual part they seem important to the flow of history, but really you are probably just going to have to bite the bullet and cut some. I know that I enjoy teaching and I really think my kids learn more when we study less so I'd really encourage you to cut instead of trying to cram it all in. But if you want to try here are some ideas.


What about using the test days to read (or listen to) a chapter and then don't do anything else with it? (Or do you have to do a test on every chapter?) So if you were going to combine Ch 6 and 7 what if after you took the ch 5 test you read Ch 6, but then the test next week will really be about ch 7.


Or you could get rid of some chapters by having a one or two day focus on the topic. So instead of a week on Ch 1, you could spend a day or two doing map work and that would be the assesment for ch. 1. The plague or the explorers or Queen Bess might be chapters that would lend them selves well to these mini units.


With my western civ/minimal religion focus for SOTW 2, I'd cut these chapters


6 or 7 (or combine for ch 12)

8 or 9









If this was helpful, then say so and I'll look at 3 and 4 too.


Otherwise if you answer some questions about your focus, then maybe we can help better then.


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I would choose to NOT give tests on every chapter in favor of a very small research paper or project. You could do the chapter, assign the research project, and then carry on, using the presentation of the dioramas (ick--just kidding) or whatever, as review the next week or two weeks.

Or maybe just sub something for the test--play a review game or do a cooking project as a class or something. And I'd be sure to tell the parents that grammar stage is about exposure, not necessarily retention. But that may not fly, eh? ;)

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Depending on the age(s) you teach, SOTW 4 would be very easy to cut much from. I went through and pre-read it after some moms here on the board gave me a head's up about its mature content. After reading, I agreed. It's basically colonization, revolt by natives, war/fighting/conflict, new govt that typically isn't much better. Again and again and again. And then you have the holocaust and lots of other tough subjects. I went through and easily condensed SOTW 4 into 20 weeks. We will cover every chapter but some weeks we will cover one chapter a day by simply listening to the audio version and doing an oral narration and then move on. For most kids in 4th grade this is more than enough for this period in history, imo at least. ;)

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