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I am wrestling over the decision to use Omnibus or MFW AHL. If you have used either

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could you kindly share with me what ultimately swayed you to either camp?


After looking through both, it seems to me, and I may be mistaken, that Omnibus has a bit more depth to their questions. Again, I may very well be wrong, but it is my understanding from what I have reviewed thus far.


However, I do like the variety of resources in MFW, with the map resources, the New Answers Book, and the New Testament Challenge. I also appreciate the English supplement, wherein the student will be writing nearly every day with what appears to be, a fair measure of guidance.


I'm not a strict 5 point Calvinist, though I've not totally worked out the whole limited atonement/election/predestination issue. So who knows? Maybe I am?! :) Anyway, the doctrine could potentially pose, not a problem, but very interesting discussions over theology.


So, as you can see by my rambling thoughts, I've not finished my first cup of coffee, neither can I decide which program to use.;) If you can provide any insight, I would be most humbled, and extremely grateful.


I cannot thank you all enough for the insight you consistently offer. Your encouragement and support make this journey do-able.




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Parental involvement, plain and simple.


I have 7 other dc to school and 1 on the way. I just couldn't invest the time that I feel Omnibus would have required from me. A few of the books I wouldn't feel comfortable handing over to my dd to read alone, The Twelve Caesars being one example, so I would need to block out time in my schedule to read it with her and explain or edit as needed.

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I'd pick the one that uses the books you want to cover. If you like the books in MFW AHL (which is what it sounds like you're saying), then you should do it and not feel guilt-tripped that Omnibus is somehow "better". Better is what gets done. I notice people seem to get burnt out on Omnibus or just plain want a change after a couple years. MFW seems very practical. If you like it, do it and be guilt-free. :)

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