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Has anyone trapped a wild rabbit?

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We are not gun people, but there is a rabbit inside our rabbit-proof fence. The dog is interested but has not managed to catch it. Has anyone trapped a rabbit with a humane trap (either a live trap or a quick death)? Any tips? What kind of trap did you use? Other techniques?





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We have before, we just "rented" a trap from the local Animal Control. (You rent and then get 50% of your money back.) They dealt with the rabbit.




Was it a live trap or did it kill the rabbit? How did you place/bait it?


Many thanks



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Are we talking a wayward jackrabbit? (Disproportionally long ears?)


We have caught them in smaller areas by temporarily disorienting them when throwing towels or large blankets over them. You quickly move in, grab it and re-locate it.


This only works if you can get the rabbit over the fence or outside whatever enclosure very quickly as they thrash around like crazy. Thick, large blankets will keep you from getting bitten!

If you suspect the animal to be rabied, call your local Animal Control, whatever agency that is in Scotland and don't attempt anything yourself.


Good Luck!


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Rabbits love apples and you could probably bait it with that but remember that rabbits die easily. All they have to do sometimes is hear or smell a predator and they will die of terror. They are also made to break easily so that if a predator catches them death will be quick.


But apples are a good bait for rabbits. Really most fruit. Our rabbits love bananas, raspberries, dark leafy greens, strawberries, etc. They love sweet stuff.


Good luck.:001_smile:

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It's been altered now. If I leave the gate open, there are nineteen thousand other bunnies waiting to join it inside.




I would open the gate and then I would go to the other side and make noise or throw a ball in its direction, or something to encourage it to dash out the gate to safety. Then I would run around and close that gate again so that none of the nineteen thousand other bunnies can get in.

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I would open the gate and then I would go to the other side and make noise or throw a ball in its direction, or something to encourage it to dash out the gate to safety. Then I would run around and close that gate again so that none of the nineteen thousand other bunnies can get in.


Every time I spot him, he runs into one set of shrubbery or another, then skedaddles into another bush when I roust him out of there.





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We got a live animal trap to catch the rabbit that was devouring our tomato plants. We baited it with... juicy tomatoes :D and a couple carrots. We caught the rabbit and my husband released it a couple miles up the road, in a wooded area. We got the trap at Tactor Supply - it was about $30 and came with 2 traps. It came with easy instructions.

We reset it and so far no more rabbits and tomatoes are untouched!

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Was it a live trap or did it kill the rabbit? How did you place/bait it?


Many thanks




Oh, it was a live trap. If I'm going to kill something, it is going to be in a humane way.


I'm not sure what kind of trap it was. Do you have an Animal Control or Humane Society there?


As for the bunny, it wasn't put down. It was a former pet that was just released.



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