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Edu-track and handheld device experience?

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*warning: vent--followed by request for help* :rant:


Well, it has officially been over a YEAR now since I (regretfully) bought the Edu-track program and STILL haven't been able to get it to work on my Dell Axim. I actually bought the software specifically so I could have access to my planning and logging while on the go and CAN'T GET THE THING TO LOAD ON MY HANDHELD!!! :mad: I will refrain from carrying on about how unhappy I am with Edu-track. Let's just say their "e-mail only" customer service isn't very helpful when you can't even get the program to load. I have pretty computer literate family members and they are completely mystified. I am ticked. It was a total waste of my money--on both the program AND the handheld--if I can't get it to work. As much as I HATE the program, I hate to waste the money more!


Has anyone had similar problems? Were you ever able to resolve them?


Thanks for the rant... :D


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I know, I am so tempted to just log everything this year on Homeschool Tracker or break out the old pencil and paper...it just really chaps my hide to spend almost $200 and not have anything to show for it.


I guess I could always sell the Dell Axim.....




Thanks! Anyone else have some experiences to share?



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If you can get online you can use it from anything?! Cool! Thanks! I'll check it out!


MyHomeschoolPlan.com is another one that works that way. It is paid, but it's reasonable, and I think it's a nice simple, clean interface. I really like it.

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