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Book rec's about mean girls, etc...

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I've seen many threads since I've been here about mean girls and about being the good girl. I was hoping you all might not mind reposting them for me here. My 10 yr dd will be returning to public school this year for fifth grade. She knows it may not be a permanent thing but she really wants to go and she has grown so much over the last few years that we felt she should be allowed to try. One of the things she has brought up was the girls in her classes before (second grade) who were cruel and made fun of others. She said in the beginning she did what they wanted but it made her feel "icky" (her words) and so she stopped. I wanted to check out some books and read some with her and let her read some on her own. I want this to go well for her so badly but I also want her to be armed with as much information as possible. TIA!

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Chrissa by Mary Casanova and the sequel Chrissa Stands Tall would be good books to read. It is about one new girl and how she deals with the girls who bully her and her eventual friends. There is a movie of the books too.


My experience with summer activities has lead em to believe that the cruelty of second grade girls is nothing compared toe fourth and fifth grade girls.

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