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Outlining vs. Notebooking

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Are my kids going to be missing something if we don't do outlining as WTM recommends and instead do notebook pages? I have tried several times to institute outlining and my kids are completely bored by it, so we always go back to the notebooking. I am teaching them to use outling as a valuable prewriting exercise, however.


Do I still need to have them do outlines every so often to they still practice that skill, or will they be ok without it?

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It's still a good practice to have them outline someone else's work and to be able to identify the main topic and the supporting facts. Outlining in partis about teaching orderly thinking. They will use this skill over and over in various forms and places from college to the workplace. The notebooking is nice for narration but is, imo, not as important.

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Oh ok, so I guess I am stuck trying to teach myself and then passing it on to them. Do you think once a week is enough?


Note - everytime I have to learn something new in order to classically educate my children, I am amazed at how little I actually learned and retained from my own ps education. It's sad really.

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Oh ok, so I guess I am stuck trying to teach myself and then passing it on to them. Do you think once a week is enough?


Note - everytime I have to learn something new in order to classically educate my children, I am amazed at how little I actually learned and retained from my own ps education. It's sad really.


:lol:You aren't the only one. I am currently working on Geometry and Algebra II for myself to help my teens. About the outlining, once a week is fine. That's all we do here and since I only have one left at home, I outline something of my own at the same time. The instructions for outlining in the 3rd edition of TWTM are really good and the two of you could practice together. You'll be fine.

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