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RightStart counting question


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My daughter is 5.5 and can count to 100 with a little help once we get passed 60. I am very excited to be starting RightStart, but I am wondering how she will react to a new way of counting (ten-1, ten-2, 2-ten-5, etc.). Anyone have experiences to share? What about when she is with other kids and they are counting together (i.e. hide-and-seek)? Very curious to hear anyone's experiences.



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My daughter was easily able to distinguish between "math counting" and regular counting. It didn't seem to throw her for a loop. Sometimes she needed reminders to "math count," that was all. It really helps in the early years to visualize the numbers this way as it ties in nicely with the abacus. The abacus rocks as a manipulative during the early elementary years, imho. Good luck.


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My daughter is 5.5 and can count to 100 with a little help once we get passed 60. I am very excited to be starting RightStart, but I am wondering how she will react to a new way of counting (ten-1, ten-2, 2-ten-5, etc.). Anyone have experiences to share? What about when she is with other kids and they are counting together (i.e. hide-and-seek)? Very curious to hear anyone's experiences.




None of my kids have had problems doing it both ways. But I only require them to show they understand the place value counting (as I call it) and then allow them to go back to regular counting.



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Yup, it hasn't been a problem for us, either. DD already knew how to count to 50 before we started RS (we started in B), but she picked up quickly on what we were doing. It helped her to be able to add tens, also - as in 50+20, etc. When you're an average 6yo, it's much easier to understand adding 2-ten plus 5-ten than twenty plus fifty.

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