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I know I shouldn't feel good about this...

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...and I don't, necessarily. But I do feel like my instincts were correct.


About what, you ask? The background: We pulled my DD out of first grade at Christmas (private Christian school). She just wasn't learning. Something felt wrong. Later in the year, another parent pulled out her son from the same class. DD and I happily home schooled the rest of the year, despite having to re-do first grade starting in January, and we will continue to HS in the future. DD scored well on her testing at the end of June. I am proud of her and how hard she has worked to "catch up" from what she didn't learn before.


The big news: I learned this week that the first grade teacher was fired a few weeks ago. Now, I don't wish unemployment on anyone. But there were serious red flags about this individual, and I'm glad that future children at this school will not have to suffer with sub-par education, from this person at least.


I knew something wasn't right. At least I have evidence now that my instincts were right. You can bet I told my parents and in-laws about this development. All of them thought I was crazy to pull my child out of a "good school."


Thanks for listening!

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I had a similar experience when an administrator at my kids' former private school yelled at me that I wouldn't understand something "because you are not an educator." A year later, I came across her working in a home decorating store. I sooooo wanted to go up to her and say, "Yeah, well now you aren't, either." It was enough that she knew that I knew.



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I know how you feel. We pulled our son from Kindergarten in March after many red flags came up. The teacher was switched to 2nd grade the next year, and then was "let go." After speaking to several other parents, I have found only one who LOVED the teacher, and her child was a major factor in us pulling ours. Many students in the K class were held back that year.

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