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So how good/not good is Latin Road to English Grammar?

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I am finding myself drawn to all kinds of new programs this year, mostly for Language Arts and this one is a stumper for me. The concept sounds great, but I am concerned it would be confusing and a lot of work. My two older daughters work almost 100% independent from me with just little meetings here and there from me. I teach 100% of my younger twos lessons to them. I don't know if I have it in me to add a teacher intensive program for my older girls. However, this program would satisfy a foreign language need and a grammar need. It also seems like they would really benefit from it as there doesn't seem to be anything else out there like it.


I was thinking of doing AAS with my 13 year old because she could use something to improve her reading/spelling skills. I would add the Bridge program for her. Would that be too much for her and me?


For my older daughter, I would start her with LR level 1.


ALSO - I have NO latin background and frankly I am nervous this will NOT be easy to use.


Any btdt thoughts or bits of wisdom?

Edited by Michelle My Bell
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Not to confuse the issue but have you thought of First Form Latin? I used LR vol. 1 and part of vol. 2 with dd and assisted in a coop class that used it. Now, dd has started First Form and I've been helping in a coop class that uses that. I prefer First Form. My opinion is influenced by the fact that my dd have some difficulties with copious amounts of writing and LR requires LOTS of writing. I just find First Form with the workbook so well-organized and easy to use. Of course, you would need to do something else for grammar, but I think you would want to add that with LR anyway.


Just my thoughts....

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I bought this from SL a couple of years ago, because of their endorsement of it. I later found out my pastor's wife was teaching a co-op with it. She said I should really think twice about trying it since I had no latin background. Her and the kids in her co-op had already been through all the levels of Latin Primer and were still very challenged by Latin Road.


I still have it though, in brand new condition if anyones interested.

Edited by Rebecca77
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Latin Road to English Grammar crashed and burned at our house. I can't in good conscience recommend it to any teacher without a pretty decent knowledge of Latin...I don't care what the curriculum marketer's say.


As for the expensive DVD's...don't bother. They are basically scheduling DVDs, they really don't teach you how to teach Latin or anything (unless they've changed them).


Frankly, the whole program was one big huge waste of my hubby's money.:tongue_smilie: Of course, that's my very biased and completely unsatisfied opinion...your mileage, on the other hand, might vary toward the positive side. Miracles DO happen! :lol::D;)

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