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Kingfisher or Usborne?


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I know WTM recommends both, but if you could only buy one which one would you think would be better to own?


Even though my Boo is only 1st grade, I'm leaning towards Kingfisher, because it would have a longer life span (as she will use it longer). Am I correct in my thinking?


It's hard to tell because Amazon does not preview pages of Usborne, as it does for Kingfisher.


I know Usborne has the benefits of the internet links, but their website does as well as far as I can tell.

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because too many pages are used to describe how men came from .......all the evolution stuff. I checked it out of the library and returned without using it. It would be a waste of my money if I bought it. However, I am happily using a borrowed copy of Usborne, which is very nice for especially lower grammar kids, and has only a couple pages about the start of life.

Just my two cents.


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My younger children prefer Usborne. My oldest prefers Kingfisher. You won't need Kingfisher until 5th grade. (and they may have a new edition out by that time!) I would get the Usborne. You will get 4-5 good years of use out of it.


Check the library to compare both!

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because too many pages are used to describe how men came from .......all the evolution stuff. I checked it out of the library and returned without using it. It would be a waste of my money if I bought it. However, I am happily using a borrowed copy of Usborne, which is very nice for especially lower grammar kids, and has only a couple pages about the start of life.

Just my two cents.



I have the KHE 2004 copyright and it only has 2 pages on "the first humans". Very easily skipped by those who do not accept that POV.


I was under the impression that it was the Usborne book that contained something like 100 pages on evolution.

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I have the KHE 2004 copyright and it only has 2 pages on "the first humans". Very easily skipped by those who do not accept that POV.


I was under the impression that it was the Usborne book that contained something like 100 pages on evolution.


That is correct.

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Unfortunately our library system does not carry the Usborne book in any of its branches, so I have no way of seeing it.


Thanks for the advice, maybe I'll just have to bite the bullet and go with Usborne without seeing it, since you all are recommending for younger grades.

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I have the KHE 2004 copyright and it only has 2 pages on "the first humans". Very easily skipped by those who do not accept that POV.


I was under the impression that it was the Usborne book that contained something like 100 pages on evolution.


:iagree:We have both and this is correct. The prehistoric world section is pp.10-pp.103 in Usborne, while I only have to skip 5 in Kingfisher.


But I also agree that Usborne is more kid-friendly.


We got both at Rainbow Resource for pretty decent prices. The paperback edition of Usborne is $15.25 while the hardback is $29.95. Kingfisher is $22.50. Here are the links, which give good descriptions of each.





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I am going against the grain here, but I don't care for the layout of the usborne ency. books. They are very broken up, with little boxes of text. I personally find this distracting. It may not bother you at all though. Just wanted to throw that out there. But I don't know what I would rec. in its place. We have an old set of Children's Golden Book encyclopedias that were my dad's from the 60's, these are great. Maybe you could find something like that?


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