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Ok Ok I give up. WHAT is deconstructin penguins?

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It is a very readable account of how a couple ran book club discussions for 2nd - 5th graders. It walks you through how to lead such a discussion, identifiying the theme/protaganist/antagonist/setting/climax/etc in a very do-able way. It is very helpful to me. It's on amazon for more info.

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It is a very readable account of how a couple ran book club discussions for 2nd - 5th graders. It walks you through how to lead such a discussion, identifiying the theme/protaganist/antagonist/setting/climax/etc in a very do-able way. It is very helpful to me. It's on amazon for more info.


Oh, wow. I have heard the name several times too, but have for some reason never been curious at all. Now I'm glad the OP asked, because that sounds great! It has been added to my wishlist. Thank you.

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I got it from the library first but then quickly bought it. For me, it is something to have on hand to refresh my memory and inspire me every year or so.


I agree, it's good to own. I bought a copy, then passed it on to someone else after I read it. Later I realized that I would like to read it again to refresh my memory, and bought another copy. :)

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It was recommended to my by someone on the hs board. Last week I checked it out from our local library and just started reading it yesterday. It's a great book! Explains how to discuss literary elements with dc. I may end up buying a copy... hths

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