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One computer, many people....

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When *I'M* not using it the kids get 30minutes each. They are pretty good about setting the timer and getting up when it dings. We don't use the computer all that much for school, but if they were they would have priority during school time. The computer is mine, it was a Mother's Day present from dh. I don't get flowers I get electronics, weird yes, but that's my dh:lol:.

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Until last Dec, we only had one computer; now we have two.

Timers & schedule.

Plus a clear understanding that my claims on either machine supersede all others. :D


Helps that dh doesn't use a computer at home, he doesn't even have a personal email acct - which I find hilarious b/e he was an exec of a dot com for years...... he was an early adopter of all techno things for ages, built a couple computers from scratch for us ~ 10 years ago, & then he just dropped out of that scene altogether & went all luddite.

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