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No naps in Kindergarten....

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I just heard that the school system in our area is abolishing naps in Kindergarten. So they can have more learning time. The Kindergarten teachers are NOT happy about this. They know exactly what an afternoon with 20 overtired 5 year olds is going to be like.


But now, lets cram more junk into a kid's day and get them with their noses to the grindstone ever earlier........:blink:

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We didn't have nap time because we only went half day.


However, I've worked childcare. Every 3yo will take a nap ALMOST every single day. However, by 4, we're down to almost every 4yo will take a nap 2/3 to all of the time. By 5 and 6 though? Only a few will take a nap in a group setting (though they may take one for mom or if put in the 4yo Kindy room). Seems like teachers would be disciplining (encouraging kids to read quietly, stay still, monitoring bathroom, etc), not *resting.*


And I've worked full day kindy (no nap). I didn't find any issue at all. They seemed like the same kids at 2pm that they did at 9am. 2nd graders however NEED naps! LOL

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I don't believe in naps for school aged children.


I *also* don't believe in the necessity of all-day academics for younger school aged children.


If they replace naps with something engaging, sensory or play-oriented, I'm all for it.


But if they replace it with more of the same formal academics that created the need to drop naps in the first place? That's just bad logic.

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I remember having nap time, and we only went a half-day. The rest of the time was play, art, story-time, playground and snack. We didn't learn much, but they sure 'squoze' a lot into three hours! ;)



Same here. Half day included nap, snack (cookies and milk), and outside play time. The rest was read alouds and art. No academics that I remember yet I was still learned my multiplication and division facts in 2nd grade.

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Perhaps it has something to do with how early school starts. In our area kids are supposed to be in class ready to go at 7:30am. This means many kids are getting on the bus at 6:30. And getting out of bed at 6 or earlier. YIKES! My 5 year old would definitely need a nap if she got up at 6 am. It would either be a nap or she would have to get to bed at 6 or 7 each night and she'd never see her daddy!

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My son went to PS K and it was full day, they didn't nap, but afternoon was full of classes like Art, Music and PE all with other teachers not the K classroom. It was never a problem. My son stopped napping when he was 2, actually all my kids did, maybe that's why it wasn't an issue for us.

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I would be okay with no naps. I didn't even know that some 5 year olds still nap, DD stopped napping at 3!

In fact, I am having a hard time finding daycare while I'm in school because all the daycares I've found do mandatory nap time after lunch. Since I need care from lunchtime-early afternoon, DD would ONLY be there to lay down on a mat doing nothing, and not sleeping. :glare:

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My dear childcare provider's K son last year had fits every day because of the lack of naps. He'd come home exhausted. it's one reason they are seriously looking at homeschooling next year. (or were. Not sure if that is still the case) She has a 4-year old this year that she is spending the summer weaning off naps so he won't run into the same issue next year.

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I still need a nap and I'm 33yrs old! :D


I taught kindergarten before having my kids and we had 1/2 day of school...but for kids who had to stay, they napped. Over half of my kids (well over 10 children in my room) did go to sleep! I agree with someone mentioning the time of school starting...most of these kids were getting on the bus around or before 7am!! yikes!!


This year our county is also doing away with naps AND going to all day kindergarten for more instruction time. :confused: :glare: :001_huh:

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My 5yo is sleeping on my arm as I type:001_wub:...she *needs* daily time to herself in the afternoon even if she doesn't sleep. I'd be happy with a naptime where kids are allowed to color/look at books quietly on their mat.

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My just-turned 5-year-old has started napping regularly again. I think she's in a growth spurt. Her personality is very different when she doesn't get enough sleep!


If she were in PS she would be starting K this week. I think they're required to have a rest time, but it's very short, 30 minutes or something.

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My boys just turned 5 and still nap -- thank goodness. They need it (one probably does more than the other). If they didn't nap, they would be in bed not long after DH gets home and they wouldn't see each other until weekends. They do stay up until 9:30 or 10 though -- always have so they can spend some time with their daddy. Another reason for home schooling for me.

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I remember having nap time, and we only went a half-day. The rest of the time was play, art, story-time, playground and snack. We didn't learn much, but they sure 'squoze' a lot into three hours! ;)



Me, too! Yet somehow we are both able to communicate in complete written sentences. It must be some kind of miracle. ;)

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