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Rightstart help! (MM for reinforcement)


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After finishing RS C last year I decided he needed some reinforcement in multiplication before starting D. Not alot, mind you, because D covers multiplication.

So after hearing about Math Mammoth and how it's similar to SM etc I thought I'd get some of the Blue (topical) units to reinforce things from level C.

My ds took the placement test for finishing up 2nd grade and when I saw the test I was really pleased b/c it was exactly what we had covered in level C of RS. I knew it would show what he needed work on. The problem?? He got a 75% on the test (you're suppose to get 80% to go on to 3rd). I know I shouldn't compare 2 separate curr., but this test was exactly what we learned last year! He was pretty much clueless when it came to borrowing in subtraction (something he seemed to understand fine during the year) and didn't even know where to start on the word problems. I was shocked! Last year, he got B's and C's on all his 'tests' (the review that comes after every 6 lessons), and we would review what he missed, he'd take the other review sheet, and he would get an A. I thought he was understanding. :confused:

I bought MM's Add and Subtract 3 Blue unit which starts with subtracting whole hundreds (eg: 416-200). He's acting like this is REALLY hard! I don't know if he's in summer mode or if he's really this clueless. I'm wondering if we need to go back and do more work in level C....or if I should get MM grade 2b so he's working with something different....or am I just freaking out and need to :chillpill:, lol!


What do you think?? Is he ready to move on to 3rd grade work this fall? Should I just cont. with the review we're doing with MM? Does he need a different program? Sigh.....

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I used RS B & C with my oldest and will start A with my 2nd in the fall. I'm not surprised your DS struggled with word problems because IMHO that's one of the weaknesses of RS. I started having my DD work through the Singapore Challenging Word Problems and Kumon Word Problems books towards the beginning of C. This time around, I will start supplementing with them when my DS gets to B.


If I were in your shoes, I would take the summer to shore up the subtraction with MM. Then going forward, supplement RS with a word problems book.

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