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OM4 users, I have a question...


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I'm another one of those moms who bought OM and then second-, third-, and fourth-guessed my choice. :glare: However, after putting the syllabus aside for several weeks, I went back and looked through it again. I discovered that the only section that was really freaking me out was the Language Arts section. I love their approach to LA, but it seems very parent-intensive to me. The other sections (social studies and science) I can deal with; I'll just supplement with more independent reading in history and science topics I want to cover. I really like the project- and research-based format of OM, and a lot of important skills are taught in a very relaxed way at this level. Sooo, I've decided to just drop the LA portion of the syllabus and go with Growing with Grammar for LA instead. Okay, now to my question -- do you have your child read through the OM syllabus independently (I know the lessons are written directly to them at this level) and then begin their work on their own or do you read it through with them and then work alongside them through their lessons. I'd like to make using OM as independent a process as possible ~ is this possible?? Thanks.

Edited by papillon
Clarification of question
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My middle ds will be doing OM4 this year. This is our first year with OM but this is what I plan to do: I will have him read through the syllabus on his own on Friday and have him decide which projects he wants to do. Then we can sit down together and go over anything that needs to be clarified. This will also give me a chance to get any supplies we need together. On Monday I will have him re-read the syllabus as needed. To me it looks like ds will be able to do most of the work independently. In fact that is what I like about OM is the fact that it seems less teacher intensive that a lot of other programs. Of course we haven't started yet so you can take all of this with a grain of salt. :tongue_smilie:

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We will be first time users of OM4 and OM6 this fall. I also had a major freak about the Language Arts section. I was afraid it would be too much to handle with 2 kids.....so I looked around and even ordered Growing with Grammar, Easy Grammar and LLATL. I thought they needed something more independent....but I just couldn't find anything that meshed with OM. - it seemed to take away from the program (just too different, I think). It seemed to take away from it. So they all went back....and we are going pure OM this fall.


I felt we should at least give it a whirl....if over time it isn't working...then supplement :)

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I love the idea of a read-through on Friday ~ thanks, elinnea! And, Sheri, you are a better woman than I.:001_smile: I'll probably use the literature portion of the LA section, though. I really like the storyboard idea and several of the other literature-based assignments ~ It's really only the grammar portion that I found to be parent-intensive and want to replace. I just think if I don't, OM grammar will either...a) not get done (because I didn't have time (or forgot) to prepare the lessons in advance or b) take time away from my working with my younger child, who really does need my involvement with reading, writing, and, yikes, spelling. Boy, oh boy, how I wish OM had daily instead of weekly plans. I think it would be sooo much easier to work through the syllabus in a daily format. Oh, well.


Thanks again, ladies. :)

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