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CLE Math question


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I have heard people talk about the Sunrise edition as opposed to another edition? I'm so confused as I have been looking at this math for My 1st grader. I, in no way, want anything like AO and I have read one of them is a "repackaged version" of lifepacs. How do I know if I'm purchasing the correct edition from their site if I do, in fact, decide to purchase it?

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I don't think they sell anything but the Sunrise edition for math up to 8th grade any more. If you look at the picture on the website for the level you want to buy, you should be able to see the words "Sunrise Edition" on the front of the book.



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As Lisa said, it's all Sunrise edition through 8th grade in math.


On the website it will explicitly say " Grade 1 Sunrise Edition" versus "Grade 9 Algebra I" (no mention of Sunrise). You can also tell because there are samples for the Sunrise Editions online, none for the others.

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Just wanted to add that the Sunrise editions are nothing like Lifepacs! We switched from Lifepacs to CLE two years ago....we really disliked AO. CLEhas been awesome. Helearned moreon a few months than almost an entire year with AO.

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The company no longer sells the old Light Units that were repackaged A/O life pacs. They sell nothing but Sunrise edition for grades 1-8 now.

BUT with that said your buying from used homeschooling boards , ebay etc. You need to check because some of the old editions are still in circulation believe it or not. So if your buying used be sure to ask the seller if they are Sunrise edition or not.

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