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Anyone ever have thrush in their mouth?

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I am fairly sure I have thrush in my mouth, I have been feeling crummy, worn out, anxious, and I have the white stuff on my tongue, bad taste, and a number of other symptoms. So has anyone else had this??? Did you feel crummy like on a fog? Did the doctor give you something o clear it up or did you use something natural? I read about eating raw garlic and how that helps, so the past two days I have eaten raw garlic . What should I do to feel better???

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Thrush in mouth shouldn't make your feel crummy all over. Maybe

geographic tongue or Hand Foot Mouth Disease (short term viral infection). Thrush is rare in otherwise healthy adults. Adults that get thrush are usually immunocompromised or uncontrolled diabetics. Could be Herpetic Gingivostomatitis. (i was an NP before SAHM). Best wishes for a speedy mouth recovery!


As for recovery.....depends on cause. If it's NOT thrush, then it's likely viral. If it Herpetic, don't touch anybody part after touching lesions as is highly contagious (esp to eyes). If it's thrush, you'll need to lay off the simple carbs and get a Rx for Nystatin swish. If it's HFM, it's viral and self-limiting. See your doc or NP to get an accurate diagnosis.


A good candida preventative is a product called FIVE-LAC; I buy mine from ebay. I've yet to have yeast, but it's good for healthy "flora and fauna" in every nook and cranny (intestines, mouth, you name it)

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I think I've had thrush before. I wasn't in a fog, but did have all the symptoms in my mouth like you do. I was also getting yeast infections in any tight space at the time (under arms, along legs in crotch, etc...).


What I did was make a conscientious effort to eat yogurt and kefir a couple of times a day for a couple of week--maybe longer. From the first bite of yogurt my mouth felt better, but just for a few minutes.

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