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I planned my own homeschool conference and just wanted to share!


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For the second summer I planned my own homeschool conference (link to blog post I did). I loved it and felt so encouraged and motivated when I was done. This all started because last year none of the sessions at my local conference addressed where I was in my homeschool journey. This year we were out of town.


I just wanted to share because it was such a great way for me to take some time off and focus on getting MYSELF prepared for the upcoming school year. I have ordered and received all our curriculum; done all the copying; put notebooks together; cleaned, organized and arranged our schoolroom; and pre-read most of the books we will be using. But these two days were getting ready in a different way. It was to get my heart and head ready now that the physical aspects of our school are prepared.


I listened to SWB's writing lectures. I used resources from SCM. I started a book I have been wanting to read and finished another. I wrote goals for both myself and my boys. I started work on my own teacher-planner as I cannot find a pre-made one that fits what I want. I wrote a personal mission statement to keep before me because last year I found myself too often ruled by "the tyranny of the urgent". This year I want to do better about me ruling my schedule and not having it rule me!


I am home all the time but with a million interruptions I could never have gotten so much accomplished in two days. If you are interested, you can read the blog post I did. I truly hope this encourages someone else.



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Thanks for sharing! I hope to find more time to continue planning. I am trying to find time to clean, redecorate w/ new furniture, and organize; all amidst working part-time and continuing to homeschool lightly. Ugh.


I hope I can get excited about starting school soon. :tongue_smilie:This helps, thanks again.

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What a wonderful idea. I was expecting this large conference with all the time it takes to organize location, place, time, people, food, etc. But WOW--Quiet time, by yourself, at Panera Bread with the absolutely best Cinnamon Crunch Bagel and Honey Walnut Cream Cheese is my type of bliss!


I love this and definitely plan to do something similar in the future. Right now, I'm all over the Filing System/Full Year Organization Kick and am quite busy.


Thank you for sharing!



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I was inspired by your post about last year and planned myself a week of "in-service" this past week (we start our new year tomorrow!). I was able to take somewhere between 30 minutes to 3 hours each day to listen to mp3s, read, & reflect. I was/am feeling very sorry for myself, because our plan had been to have sold this house & moved into a new one by the start of 2010-2011 (and instead, we're not even on the market yet :glare:), but the in-service helped my attitude a bit. ;)


So... THANK YOU for sharing, previously. :D

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This is brilliant!! Thank-you for sharing about this. Home schooling these kiddos is a high calling . . . taking the time to prepare your own heart (and mind!) is wise! I am very encouraged in reading about this and my mind is abuzz with ideas. :001_smile:

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I recall your post from last year! I did something a bit similar. We took a long drive to the inlaws for a week. We have a new van with a DVD player. I brought some things for the kids to watch. I dumped SWB's plans for elementary and middle school, The Joy of Classical Education, Literary Analysis, and Independence onto a CD....along w/ Pudewa's how to teach boys who'd rather be building forts all day. I brought curriculum that I needed to read through. I brought my computer. I took about 12 pages of notes! I started writing schedules. I read WTM board as well as WTM2009 to look for schedules. The boys are still w/ their grandparents so it's just my DD and I. This week she will be at her soon-to-be pre-school for 3days, 2.5hrs each day for summer playtime. i will use that time as planning time. We are also moving house, and will be closing on this house in 2 weeks so I have to spend a few hours packing each day as well. We'll end up in a hotel for a week or two so I need to get as much planning done as I can now b/c by the time we move into our new house, it will be close to the first day of school. :w00t:

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I remember you posting about this last year. I love the idea! I am actually going to a homeschool conference with a friend. There are a few speakers I'll attend over those three days, but most of the time I have set aside for me time. I am going to finish plans, if I still need to do that and finish organizing things. I am going to read and get into the right mind frame to start this school year.


Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful idea!

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Thank you for sharing this - I was so inspire by reading your post (and the one for last year) - I'll be doing this for myself (Hope you don't mind if I join you and copy the concept). We were not able to go to any Conference this year - and although sometimes we tend to think that the purpose of the conference if the Curriculum purchase, we actually enjoy the workshops and lectures they offer here at FPEA- they help us to stay motivated.


I found that Rhino Technologies has Lectures & Workshops recorded for many of the conferences, and many of from 2010 are on MP3 downloadable (no need to wait for the CD) and I do have some favorites at home I can always listen to (i.e. Teaching the Classics, Susan Wise Bauer's and Puweda's) and I can always review my notes and the handouts from the lived ones I attended in the past...


I think the summer time is a perfect time to do one's own conference for motivation.... so a great idea for a planning retreat...





Edited by shehmeth
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I am thrilled to death that others have used this to springboard their own ideas. I find that in my homeschooling journey taking care of me gets pushed to the back way too often. This is just one of the ways I plan on fighting burnout and keep the motivation high (or at least higher than it has been) this year!

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