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TOG Literature/worksheets... let the dc do independently?


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My ds will be 10 1/2 and in 5th grade and my dd will be almost 9. I was thinking that my ds would do UG and my dd do LG. Do I read the lit. books as RA's or have my dc read the books to themselves and do the worksheets? Or half and half????? We are on Y1 Unit 4 and then will go on to Y2. Both of my dc read beyond their grade level, but they are used to only reading books that they pick out themselves.... we just have not done much assigned reading except for the BJU Reading class they've had this past year, and the science textbook that I just started having my ds read a month ago.





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Brenda -

Typically, UG read independently and LG are read to. If you have an advanced LG reader, they could read the books on their own. Or you could think about having them both do UG. When we started TOG my oldest were 9 and 10, and they both did UG. The 9 year old did not have to read quite as much as the 10 year old - I let him "skip" a couple of the books - makes it easier for mom the more you can combine. You can also have your 9 year old read some of the UG books and some of the LG - it is easy b/c they are all listed there on the same page!

They do the lit worksheets on their own, and ask mom if there are questions. That is how we do it. There is a separate entry on your Reading Assignment sheets for read alouds - which I read aloud to all my dc when we do them.

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Thanks, Angela, for your post.


I think that I will require that independent reading this year. My dh and I were talking about how we need to know that our ds has read what he says he has read, and it seems that these lit. worksheets would be a good way to gauge that. We have definitely caught him lying about having read books that we know he didn't really read (I can think of one Shakespeare book in particular that he told me was interesting, when I KNEW it wasn't easy or naturally 'interesting' :glare:).


As for our dd, while she is an advanced reader (we know that because in BJU Bible there are certain books that are supposed to be done as RA's due to being above grade level, but she says she can read them herself and she does fine with her comprehension), yet she is also a more sensitive child and I will have to watch for topics that might be too much for her in the UG books.



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