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They are being forced to move!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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:party::party:My neighbors behind us. Last summer they became obsessed with us. The woman came over last summer. I smelled the beer on her before she said a word after seeing that she just walked into my house without knocking. :glare: She asked if my dd's could swim with her in her pool. So I said well we cant today but maybe some other weekend (oh like when you DONT reek of beer) Then she says, oh, not you, just your dd's :eek: Ahhh, NO. So I told her that would probably NOT happen without me or DH there. Why would a grown woman want my dd's over in a pool WITHOUT a parent there? We dont even know her. She wasnt too happy with me then. So since then she has called the cops on us COUNTLESS times. 4 times (yes just since last fall) because she was concerned that my dc were not in school :glare:. So I show the sheriff the paperwork showing compliance, let them come in and see them WORKING on their school work (not required, but hey, makes her look dumb right?) THEN-- Countless times she has called saying our dog (just our bull mastiff-- not the other one) was abused (oh, she one time asked my dd if she could have her dog, the bull mastiff and she would give her a puppy :001_huh: This was also before the police started showing up.) She even went as far as to come in our house and REMOVE our dog from our house and brought her to her house when we were gone because she was "abused". All the sheriff's know us by name, they know all of our kids, and our dogs because of her. Which isnt a bad thing because we are actually friends with a couple of them now :lol:. They all know when they get another call from them what its going to be for. They come, pet our dogs, see that they are spoiled rotten and tell us to have a nice day. These people have caused us so much grief in the last year.....



Sooo anyways-- Our newspaper comes out once a week (because we are in a tiny rural area) and in yesterdays paper, it had their names, and address-- their house will be auctioned in a forclosure auction in front of the courthouse tuesday at 9am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So would it be wrong to be there to tell her

AND DONT COME BACK??? Don't let the door hit ya on the way out? :D Edited by wy_kid_wrangler04
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Oh my, I am so glad not to have had her as a neighbor. What a nightmare. Just pray that whoever purchases the house is a much better neighbor.



I am praying!!!!! We were seriously considering moving because of them! We have only been in our house for 2 years so we really didnt want to but it was fast getting to that point!

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So would it be wrong to be there to tell her

AND DONT COME BACK??? Don't let the door hit ya on the way out? :D


Well, yes, it would be. But that might not stop me.


But really, you're better off just quietly smirking and having a party over getting rid of such an utter cuckoo. :)

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:party::party:My neighbors behind us. Last summer they became obsessed with us. The woman came over last summer. I smelled the beer on her before she said a word after seeing that she just walked into my house without knocking. :glare: She asked if my dd's could swim with her in her pool. So I said well we cant today but maybe some other weekend (oh like when you DONT reek of beer) Then she says, oh, not you, just your dd's :eek: Ahhh, NO. So I told her that would probably NOT happen without me or DH there. Why would a grown woman want my dd's over in a pool WITHOUT a parent there? We dont even know her. She wasnt too happy with me then. So since then she has called the cops on us COUNTLESS times. 4 times (yes just since last fall) because she was concerned that my dc were not in school :glare:. So I show the sheriff the paperwork showing compliance, let them come in and see them WORKING on their school work (not required, but hey, makes her look dumb right?) THEN-- Countless times she has called saying our dog (just our bull mastiff-- not the other one) was abused (oh, she one time asked my dd if she could have her dog, the bull mastiff and she would give her a puppy :001_huh: This was also before the police started showing up.) She even went as far as to come in our house and REMOVE our dog from our house and brought her to her house when we were gone because she was "abused". All the sheriff's know us by name, they know all of our kids, and our dogs because of her. Which isnt a bad thing because we are actually friends with a couple of them now :lol:. They all know when they get another call from them what its going to be for. They come, pet our dogs, see that they are spoiled rotten and tell us to have a nice day. These people have caused us so much grief in the last year.....



Sooo anyways-- Our newspaper comes out once a week (because we are in a tiny rural area) and in yesterdays paper, it had their names, and address-- their house will be auctioned in a forclosure auction in front of the courthouse tuesday at 9am!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


So would it be wrong to be there to tell her

AND DONT COME BACK??? Don't let the door hit ya on the way out? :D



Well they do sound like they've been quite a pain, but I don't think I'd be laughing or celebrating about anyone losing a house to foreclosure. That's a terrible thing, and it's happening far too often these days. You never know who will be next.

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Unfortunately, don't count them out yet. If no one buys the house at auction they might not leave immediately and if so it could take some time to remove them if they do not leave voluntarily. I know in our previous state if you bought an owner occupied property at auction you had to be prepared to deal with the process of legal eviction, which the legal side could take up 6 months. This was several years ago, I'm not sure what has changed.


Foreclosure is a nasty ordeal. We had one family in our neighborhood leave very abruptly. It was a great family and we feel quite certain it was due to foreclosure. I feel a great sadness every time I drive by the vacant house.


It sounds like an empty house would be an improvement, but I agree with Audrey, celebrate because they might be gone, not because they fell into hard times.

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I'd throw a party! I DESPISE when people try and get others in trouble with the law when there is NO truth to it. Obviously these people have problems and I wouldnt want them anywhere near me........NOW if I could just have that happen over here (our in-laws are our neighbors and they have tried similar things to get DH in trouble with the law) I would throw a TOWN wide party if they were being forced to leave.


BTW about the foreclosure comment, some people are losing their houses to unforseen circumstances and MANY people are losing them because they bought too much house, didnt budget right, took an ARM without caring....downright their own faults. We didnt buy a $200,000 house just because my bank said so. And we locked in a low rate even though an ARM would have started out smaller. So who knows the reason for forclosure? I dont want ppl without houses, but if you were not smart about buying it then there are consequences

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Guest janainaz
She even went as far as to come in our house and REMOVE our dog from our house and brought her to her house when we were gone because she was "abused".


Seriously? Isn't that considered a crime to just walk into someone else's house and remove a belonging? Burglary? And you did not call the police?

That boggles my mind. I can't imagine having a stranger just walk into my house, take my animal, and not call the police. Geeze,thank goodness it was not one of your daughters she was looking for to swim with. How did she get in?


Well, anyway, good riddens to those neighbors!

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Well they do sound like they've been quite a pain, but I don't think I'd be laughing or celebrating about anyone losing a house to foreclosure. That's a terrible thing, and it's happening far too often these days. You never know who will be next.



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Well they do sound like they've been quite a pain, but I don't think I'd be laughing or celebrating about anyone losing a house to foreclosure. That's a terrible thing, and it's happening far too often these days. You never know who will be next.


Sorry but when someone is causing that much active harassment in your life, you celebrate them being gone out of your life, for almost any reason. It's not like she's happy they were found dead in a ditch or something. They lost a house, it's sad for them, but happy for everyone around them.

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Sorry but when someone is causing that much active harassment in your life, you celebrate them being gone out of your life, for almost any reason. It's not like she's happy they were found dead in a ditch or something. They lost a house, it's sad for them, but happy for everyone around them.





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Unfortunately, don't count them out yet. If no one buys the house at auction they might not leave immediately and if so it could take some time to remove them if they do not leave voluntarily. I know in our previous state if you bought an owner occupied property at auction you had to be prepared to deal with the process of legal eviction, which the legal side could take up 6 months. This was several years ago, I'm not sure what has changed.



:crying: huh?? :crying:


Well they do sound like they've been quite a pain, but I don't think I'd be laughing or celebrating about anyone losing a house to foreclosure. That's a terrible thing, and it's happening far too often these days. You never know who will be next.


Normally I would agree with you. But, they are CONSTANTLY drinking and partying (loudly til late at night/early morning) I am forever picking up beer cans/bottles in my year (and thats JUST whats in my yard) They have one of those huge commercial sized trash dumpsters that is forever full of beer cans/bottles. I can not imagine they do not have enough for their house payments, I think by their actions from what I see they chose to spend their money on different things. (dh saw them carrying in a huge flat screen tv 2 months ago) So I truly do feel bad for people who REALLY can not afford their houses due to the economy, but when you chose to blow it then I am no so sympathetic. Anyway, they have caused so much grief.


Seriously? Isn't that considered a crime to just walk into someone else's house and remove a belonging? Burglary? And you did not call the police?

That boggles my mind. I can't imagine having a stranger just walk into my house, take my animal, and not call the police. Geeze,thank goodness it was not one of your daughters she was looking for to swim with. How did she get in?


Well, anyway, good riddens to those neighbors!



I did call the police. They came. She knew we were going to be gone for the weekend (its something we go to every year) and she acted all worried to the police saying she did not see anybody caring for our dogs, she was worried and she just wanted to make sure everything was ok. :glare: This was early on before the police knew how things were going to happen so they said they truly thought she did it out of kindness and concern so they just told her NOT to do it again. The police even had to talk to the people caring for our dogs (we had a few coming to care for them) and one said she was watching her and made her feel uncomfortable. I have no clue how she got in, because there were no signs of forced entry that we say so that same day we changed our locks just to be safe. (deadbolts all around now!!!:D) DH thinks possibly one of the people forgot to lock it again because they would be coming back or something.

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The company, person who buys the house will still have to go through the eviction process if they don't voluntarily move out of the house. It's the law in most states. The process varies state by state. It takes about 3 months here and may eventually involve the police having to come and physically take them out of the house. There is nothing the owner can do but go through the process. It's the only way to force someone out of a house who doesn't want to go.

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Well they do sound like they've been quite a pain, but I don't think I'd be laughing or celebrating about anyone losing a house to foreclosure. That's a terrible thing, and it's happening far too often these days. You never know who will be next.


I agree. There but for the grace of the FSM ....


I'd surely be relieved that they're leaving; but especially since there are children involved, I don't think I could feel such schadenfreude over the circumstances.

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I can't even imagine living under such stress with neighbors like that. I lived for a couple of years w/ a restaurant/bar across the street from my development. I laid awake listening to the noise, the motorcycles, the screeching of tires, the bands during the summer/fall months....it was horrible. When they went out of business, I was so happy. I could sleep again at the weekends.


I say good bye and good riddance to those neighbors. You should be able to be comfortable and happy and not constantly harassed when in your own home. I hope for you, that they leave swiftly and you get kind, loving neighbors.

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Just a thought, but once she is gone make sure your daughters know not to go anywhere near her should she be seen in the area. Her invitation to swim would seriously creep me out.



I agree!!! Its just not normal!!! It really creeped me out and I had a talk with my dd's about staying away from her around here, and now I will about when she is gone! Once they are gone our neighborhood will be so nice again!!!! I checked the sex offender registry, but she is not listed on it, but again those are only people who have been caught and served time for it. <shudders>

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I agree!!! Its just not normal!!! It really creeped me out and I had a talk with my dd's about staying away from her around here, and now I will about when she is gone! Once they are gone our neighborhood will be so nice again!!!! I checked the sex offender registry, but she is not listed on it, but again those are only people who have been caught and served time for it. <shudders>


FYI: sex offender registries also only show those who are considered 'predatory'.

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I'd really keep my dog close, too before and right after she leaves, she might steal it, since she likes it so much. I'm happy for you that they are leaving.:001_smile:



Ya that is something that we had thought about. She has a male english mastiff and I am sure she just wants to breed them because Mastiffs go EASILY for $800-1000 per pup around here. I can not wait until we get her fixed in a week and a half, but still doesnt mean she will leave her alone...

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My neighbor started out being fine, but then the TMI came too fast...then one night of drunkenness called me to accuse me of having an affair with her husband..

then she apologized.

then she did it again..

(okay and I can't even explain how ridiculous the accusation was, on sooooooooo many different levels).

then called us demanding my husband and I tell her husband to answer his phone because they were fighting and he wouldn't answer.

no really.. it went on and on..

the house finally sold, and in moved the most awesome, nicest neighbors...and then we moved.. AAAARRRGGGHHH!!!


anyway, I hope you the best in getting nice neighbors. What a difference that makes. And I don't think its wrong to be happy that they are moving... bad neighbors end up adding stress to your life (very obvious in your situation) and burden it unnecessarily. I feel bad for those who have lost their life situation through no fault of their own, somehow it just doesn't sound like that is the situation here...sometimes its just called karma.

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