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Please recommend a good dog for my 12yodd.

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They have a newf already.


Why doesn't the 12yo train the newf?


Luann - is your property fenced? I don't quite understand how the lgd got run over. LGD's do need some initial training to learn the boundaries they're responsible for. It's a shame. They're great dogs.


I think you're asking too much from one dog - guard animals, fight off wolves & coyotes, but be totally mellow with small kids, be biddable and easily trained by a child, be able to live outside..... & sounds like you (the adults) are not able at this time to put in significant time to train this dog.


Kids training dogs is fun but it's a rare kid who can do it entirely on their own. They need to do it WITH someone - like a parent who is training another dog at the same time, or a parent training the same dog at the same time (two people can absolutely train the same dog at the same time) or within classes or a 4H program etc. And the adults need to commit to supervising, helping, giving advice daily. It's a daily process 10-30 min/day & there's a lot to learn about learning theory & how to teach certain behaviors. Many dog training enthusiasts spend a lot of time online asking questions & finding out how to do things, or going to clubs & picking the brains of the trainers & other dog owners - just like homeschooling parents spend a lot of time finding out the best curriculum & hs methods. :D


I'm so glad I got my kids involved in clicker training (though only one is really interested) & in learning about operant conditioning & behavior modification. But it's been a subject I had to teach them & help them with - just like any other homeschooling thing we tackle.


Just my $.02


The Newf is getting quite old. She's moving more slowly these days, and I don't know how much longer she'll be with us. She really doesn't enjoy hikes and often doesn't even go out to the pond with the kids anymore.


When we first got the Newf one of the older boys trained her in 4H. We have been very active in 4H for many years, and 12yo would be doing it with any new dog we got.


I explained above that I wasn't really hoping to get guard dog and family pet in the same dog. I know we need two dogs if we want both of those things. Right now I just want the family pet. I don't expect a family pet to be able to fight off wolves and coyotes, but I would want it to be able to survive a possible encounter with one when it's full-grown.


We have 60 acres of unfenced property that backs up to state land. We are 1/2 mile off any road. The Pyr died after dh shot a deer and the Pyr chased the rest of the herd to the highway. The Pyr was our first dog ever. We know a lot more about teaching boundaries now.


I'm not sure I answered all the questions you had above, but thanks for all your input.

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We have an Australian Shepherd mix and she has been great. We have 17 free range chickens and she never touches them--not even the tiny chicks when we got more this spring. She is great around our horses and stays on our property.


We got her as a rescue last fall. She is 4-5 years old, best guess. She loves to go for long walks and they are quite trainable. It was nice that while she had never been in a house before (and very nervous about things) she NEVER had an accident in the house and now is in the house when we are and out when we are outside or gone.

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WHOOPS!! Sorry, I read the OP too quickly. I guess I was too excited about sharing about my own wonderful pup. :)


I can totally understand your enthusiasm. We do love our Newf! I'm just not sure we'll do another one as it's not quite the right personality for dd.

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