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a wonderful service from The Teaching Company

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I just learned today that if you have old editions of a course from The Teaching Company, you can purchase new cases, course booklet and discs for $10 / case. I have a very old history course in bulky clear plastic cases (anyone remember those?) that were hand-me-downs. My discs are in paper sleeves, and although the first couple I tried would play in our older computer (but not on the DVD), I was concerned that some would not all play. But mostly I didn't have room on my shelf for those huge cases, so I wrote them to see if I could order just cases. I was surprised that they would include all the media as well. I just ordered a totally new set for $70. That course is $250 on sale. Can't beat that with a stick!


So if you want to upgrade your older sets, it's a great service.


I'm pretty tickled.

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