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Book a Week in 2010 - Book Week 29

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Good morning, my darlings. Today is the start of book week 29 and the quest to read 52 books in 52 weeks. Have you started Book # 29 yet? Mr. Linky is all set up on the 52 books blog and ready for you to link to your reviews.


Week 29 - Coffee House Mysteries: I discovered a great cozy mystery series last year. Before last year I didn't know what a cozy mystery was. Wonderful lights reads, entertaining and just right for relaxing on a warm sunny day. She also has some great recipes, some including coffee which are quite interesting and sound quite delicious. Enticing, even for this non coffee drinker.


So...tell me. What interesting books have you discovered this week?

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This week I read the sequel to A Time to Dance:


#38 - A Time to Embrace, by Karen Kingsbury


Currently reading:


#39 - The Giver, by Lois Lowry


Still slogging through:


#40 - Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens. Not sure why this third reading is taking so long (read twice during high school years and did senior thesis on this classic) . . . my only guess is possibly that the type is so small . . .

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I've been enjoying getting some extra reading time in this summer.'


#29 Fantasy Freaks, Gaming Geeks by Ethan Gilsdorf. I wrote a review which I linked through Mr. Linky or you can read it here at my blog.


#30 Throne of Jade by Naomi Novik, the second in the Temaraire series, a very fun historical fiction/fantasy combo. I've just started the next in the series.


#31 The Inheritance by Simon Tolkein -- the grandson of J.R.R. Tolkein. It isn't fantasy, but a whodunit courtroom drama. Very well written, just wished I hadn't figured it out so early! He dropped a clue that could have come later.


I'm going to be at Comic-Con starting Thursday. The first full day is chock full of panels featuring sci-fi and fantasy authors such as Christopher Paolini and Naomi Novik. I hope to report back anything interesting I glean.

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Finally I'm back to reading!


I finished 'The Translator' by Leila Aboulela which I quite enjoyed even though the ending was a trifle lame, and 'My Father's Notebook' by Kader Abdolah to which I give the same review. I was reading from the 'A' section of the library this week :) The A section of this library is much more interesting than our last library.




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I read 3 books this weekend!


I finished Pride and Prejudice - one of my new favorites of all time! So much better than the movies, but I still think the Kiera Knightly one is best.


And then I read The Seceret Diaries of Miss Miranda Cheever by Julia Quinn, and the sequel, What Happens in London by the same author.


So, that makes 17 for me. Pretty good considering! :) I'm not sure what I'm going to work on next. I'd like to read Emma, The Screwtape Letters, and Cranford, but not all at once.:D




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I finished The Color of Magic last night. It was a fun, satirical, fantasy book. Love Terry Pratchett's writing. (FYI, if you want to read it, I have posted it on my PaperbackSwap page. :001_smile:)


Not sure what I'll read next. I have a couple of books I requested waiting on me at the library. I'm hoping to pick them up tonight. If so, I'll probably start one of them next....

The Ballad of Peckham Rye

Special Topics in Calamity Physics

Or, I may pick something entirely different. :D

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