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Cost of testing


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I just briefly looked in my area to try and find out how much it would cost to get my son tested. The place I looked at said it would be $1500! Is that typical? If so, I will not be testing. I wanted more information about my children and how they learn and their potential, but am not willing to trade $1500 per child for that information.

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It can cost that much. It depends on the tester and their experience and the tests and how many of them. Also the explanation of what the test scores mean costs money too.


Some school districts will test for free and some colleges have students who need to practice giving the tests that do them for lower cost too.

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The tester we plan to use is $1500. For us, this will include a thorough assessment, not just test results. It includes interviews with family members, achievement test, IQ test, and any psychiatric diagnosis that might apply. If you just want achievement testing, I would think you might be able to find someone competent who would do it for less.

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I wanted more information about my children and how they learn and their potential, but am not willing to trade $1500 per child for that information.



Same here. :) The only IQ testing we've ever had done was through the school system. We have an appointment for "cognitive testing" coming up - I think it will be strictly an IQ test, and if insurance doesn't cover it, the out-of-pocket cost will be $500.

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It all depends on what assessments they're doing and what kind of report they'll give you. A basic IQ test like the WISC, WPPSI, or S-B V you can often find someone to administer for about $500 or so. Ditto for a basic achievement test like the W-J.


If you're going to be getting a specialized IQ test like the S-B LM, then there are only a few testers who use that and they do typically charge $$ for the privilege.


If the cost is too high, you can always order an out-of-level group test like the Iowa with CogAt. That will give you a basic idea of relative strengths and weaknesses at a reasonable cost (BJU charges $64).

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IQ testing through the university near me was free. We called the Educational Psychology department. Their grad students usually get lots of practice on spectrum disorder children and were thrilled to get an oportunity to try another test. We used the Stanford Binet and had a nice conference with the professor overseeing the grad students as well as they grad student herself. They interpreted the results and made recommendations on their findings. It was a good experience overall.

My only regret is that I feel we tested my ds too early. He was 5 and reluctant to do some areas that he "didn't feel like doing."


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