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If you could only have one "tech gadget" what would it

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:iagree: Definitely the iphone. Okay, well, I would actually prefer an iPad since I don't use the phone aspect and would like it to be a little bigger for reading purposes. But, you get everything in one...music, downloaded movies, games, internet, books. Love it!

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My iPhone, hands down.


I have books downloaded to the Kindle app that I have on there....I read on there all the time.


I have my photos on there.


I have the internet and email.


I can play games.


I think it is glued to my hand LOL.


:iagree: I use it for everything. My laptop has become a glorified word processor.... everything else I do on the phone!


For music, I have a cable to plug in my vehicle so I get pandora, my iPod playlist or podcasts broadcasted through the car speakers. I also have a set of small speakers for home.


Love the gps.

Love the Internet access.

Love the memo features.

Love the couch potato to 5k app.

Love the ease of use for maintaining contacts.

Love the portability.

I really could go on and on.


I am not a big mobile phone user, but I love my portable mini-computer.

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iPhone!!! It syncs up to outlook and tells me where I need to be, has an alarm that you can set to remind me to get out to the appts (and my kids know when they hear it to get in the car!), email, music, photos, videos of my kids doing something cute (including when my son was wiggling his first loose tooth and it came out!), google that is voice activated, GPS to get me to anywhere, and a news aggregate app so I can stay informed......yes do I love my phone, OH YES

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Now see, I wouldn't have thought of being able to use Pandora in the car! Hmmm.


I have had a bit of reception trouble when traveling in really rural, remote areas. But around town it's worked for me.


But I prefer my own playlists or podcasts when driving by myself. Pandora is mostly for my kitchen time!

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I can pass on the Ipod (both kids have one...doesn't interest me at all).

I can pass on the Iphone (dh has one and LOVES it...they are best friends....but it doesn't interest me at all.)


But...I want an Ipad in the.worst.way. Three of my ds' friends got them from their granddad a couple of weeks ago and I am completely jealous of these 11, 13, and 15 year old kids. :glare:

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On my BlackBerry, I can visit WTM, Facebook, and Google; read my Bible; schedule appointment reminders; set alarms; check e-mail; listen to my music or the radio; read books via the Kindle application; text my friends & family... oh, yeah, and make phone calls too!

Edited by ereks mom
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On my BlackBerry, I can visit WTM, Facebook, and Google; read my Bible; schedule appointment reminders; set alarms; check e-mail; listen to my music or the radio; read books via the Kindle application; text my friends & family... oh, yeah, and make phone calls too!



BlackBerry here, too. I have a Storm, which I like for the bigger screen. I synch to Outlook for all my calendar appointments, tasks, memos and contacts. I get my work email on it as well as all my personal email. I have Documents to Go on it and do a fair amount of Word processing on it. I play games and have other apps that help me manage my life quickly and easily. I can take pictures or videos (which I do a lot). I can surf the internet and read forums and even make posts like this one. :) Occasionally, I even make a phone call or text my husband.

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My iphone for all of the reasons already listed and then some!


DH has a Blackberry for work and doesn't like it nearly as well as his iphone, it's not as user friendly in his opinion.



Are you just TRYING to start a BB vs. iPhone war or what? :tongue_smilie:;)

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Are you just TRYING to start a BB vs. iPhone war or what? :tongue_smilie:;)


:lol: Well, it's a better reason to argue than canned sandwiches. If people are wondering what type of smart phone to get I feel compelled to point out dh's feelings on the matter (which are actually more vehement than I indicated). :D

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